Sport Figuring out daily nutritional needs?

Sport Fitness
Can anyone point me to a reference for figuring out my daily nutritional needs? I'm thin but "soft" and recently started running and doing a more structured workout. I'm uncertain how much protein, good fat, etc I need daily to lose the soft layer, build muscle, and stay healthy. I'm sure my current daily diet is missing a good amount of protein simply because I'm paranoid about the fat that comes along with most protein and I'm hyper focused on losing the soft layer that is over my good muscle. I'm not at all concerned with my number weight, just the condition of my body overall.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Well Try getting a good at least 1 gram of protein per body weight. So if you weigh 120lbs you have to eat at least 120 grams of protein a day. You can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time. So since you said you're skinny I would suggest building muscle first and than losing fat.

Eat a lot of lean meat, nuts and take a protein supplement to meet your daily need for protein. For Carbs try to consist 60% of your diet out of carbs like pasta, rice, sweet potato and bread. 10% of your diet should be fat, use things like olive oil.

That's a very basic guideline to follow and it will build muscle. Also make sure you eat a variety of vegetables, fruits and nuts because that will ensure you get all of your nutrients and vitamins, no need to get too specific here.
idk i call bs that link says i should be eating 4877 calories a day..... I would have to skip a entire meal... what do body builders eat? I should probably just follow their diet since im eating just as much.
I can assure you that nothing in that link is "BS." That said, there are always exceptions. That said, what are your stats? And what part of the article are you using to reach 4877?
Hi ,
I think, you have to consult with a dietician because every food item behaves differently for differ people. For example, I didn't like milk but I took yogurt in my meal. My mother is suffering from sinus, so she always prefer milk. It is all about how your body react for a food supplement.