Sport fiber??

Sport Fitness
I see that a cup of quaker oats is only 30% of the fiber that a person eating 2000 calories is recommended to eat. How does one get enough fiber, when foods like quaker oats don't even give that much? The majority of the foods I eat have even fewer grams of fiber than quaker oats. Is there some kind of secret to getting fiber, or do I need to be eating a lot of oats?
you eating enough fruits and veggies? beans? these are all good sources of fiber.
malkore said:
you eating enough fruits and veggies? beans? these are all good sources of fiber.

Yeah, I eat a lot of fruits and veggies. Beans too. I didn't know that they were good sources of fiber though.
bran... try steal cut oats instead... you get the whole grain and therefore more fiber...

and there is no harm in taking a supliment like fibercon...
It is suggested that you consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber per day.