Few questions

I recently bought a pull up bar.

I do pushups, pullups, squats,lunges, jumping jacks, a lot of stuff that is just with my body weight. I think I am getting a little stronger, but I think I am getting more endurance from it.

Should I supplement my workout with weight lifting?

I dont want to just get stronger, I want to improve my body as well. Right now I want to put on a few pounds, but I am not in a hurry.

Any advice?
You could add weight to your push ups and pull ups, for example where a bag with heavy items in it?
If your looking to increase your size as in muscle you will need to increase your calorie intake and also up the weight, start lifting bigger weights but lower reps.
I'm sure some one will provide a better insight to help you but hope this gives you an idea :)
Yeah body weight exercises are going to only get you so big, at which point you're just going to improve stamina and get some definition.
You need to force your muscles to lift heavier weights if you want them to grow. Muscles adapt to stress, so hit them hard for the best growth.
But definitely don't stop doing the body weight exercises, pushups, pullups, squats, jumping jacks are all really great ways to tone your entire body at once!
You could alternate days, strength training one day, endurance training the next.
Good luck!
You could certainly add some weight training, and also increase the intensity of your bodyweight regimin. Start progressing toward one arm push ups, pistol squats, etc. What has worked best for me for building strength and leaning out has been kettlebell training. Let me know if you want any advice on that. Good luck!
You got kids? I have. If you wanna add more to your push ups just stop telling them to get off your back while exercising...:):)

But yes, you will benefit from adding a weight lifting routine. Maybe some Protein supplements as well.
You are weight lifting. You are just using your own bodyweight for resistance. Eventually you are going to have to add some external resistance(DB, kettlebell, resistance band...etc) if you want to keep seeing strength gains and physiological changes.
Over 300 exercises and growing. Need to juice up your workout routine? Pick a new exercise for the muscle group that is lagging behind..
Sometimes called an "Australian pull-up", "reverse push-up", "inclined pull-up" or "inverted row", this is performed with the bar 2 to 3 feet off the floor. The user lies on the ground under the bar, face-up, and grasps the bar with extended arms. The exercise is performed by pulling the chest up to the bar. The body is held in a rigid plank position while the heels remain on the floor.
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