Femme Creatine Serum

I was just wondering if anyone has tried this "creatine serum" before. I fell off the workout wagon for a while but am ready to get back into it. I would like to find a supplement to help me building muscle , something to give me a boost like creatine does. But I've heard so much about the side effects of creatine and don't want to try the standard powder type.
Any thoughts would be appriciated...:)
The Muscle Marketing creatine serum is a scam.


It's highly possible that this is no better. What side effects are you referring to?
Hey thanks for the article. I have just heard that creatine can make you bloated and I surely do not want to feel that way.
What would you recommend? I also wrote another thread about NO products. Do you know much about them??
Many experience that from taking too much. In addition, many "think" they get bloated from reading the ads from other so-said better creatine products. 3-5 grams of creatine a day is more than adequate and many experience no problems with that amount. :)
creatine serum is indeed crap. its usually 50% degraded to useless creatinine before you even buy it.

3-5g of creapure processed creatine monohydrate once a day, ideally post workout. this is the ONLY form of creatine that has been scientifically studied, and proven to work like it claims to.

CEE (creatine ethyl ester), buffered creatine (purpleK, Kre-Alkalyn), etc...none of these have any scientific study to back them up as being 'effective' let alone '3x as effective as monohydrate'...and they all cost at least 2x as much as monohydrate.

the only positive effect they've had is lowering the price of monohydrate :)