Feet blisters..?

I've recently developed some blister-like callouses on the outside edge of both of my big toes. I'm thinking it might be attributed to my new-ish running shoes (I've been using them for about 2.5 months now) and/or my recently increased running distance (moved from a paltry 1.5 mi. run to a slightly better 3.6 mi. at 6mph).

Does the placement of these quasi-blisters suggest anything in particular that might be wrong with my shoes, e.g., too big, wrong fit, etc.? In case it makes a difference, I'm running with Adidas Supernovas.

On a separate, but related note, I've also been getting stomach cramps after my workouts recently. The strange thing is that they develop about 1hr after my workout and never during. I haven't made any changes to my pre/post workout eating/water drinking habits; any ideas about what might be bringing this about?

I get blisters as well and ive had the sme running shoes for bout 6months. They due for a change. if the skin is broken a loosen them up with methylated spirits then cut them off
Here's something that works for me and blisters. Rub petroleum jelly on your feet every night (make sure to put socks on so you don't get it all over your covers). It softens your feet up and makes it difficult for blisters to form. Make sure you do it every night though, on an ongoing basis, to prevent blisters from forming in the first place. You'll probably notice a difference within a couple of weeks.
Not sure about your stomach cramp problem. Maybe it doesn't even have to do with your exercise, could be some other underlying problem you should get checked out if it's severe. Does it only happen after workouts? Maybe your running form is at fault. Not sure though.

Happy running :)
What type of socks do you wear when you run? It could just be that your shoes are the prob. Perhaps try a new brand if it gets severe. I also get large caluses on the outside edge of my big toe and the outside edge of the balls of my feet. A pumis stone is great to rub them off before they start to feel like a blister. After a shower when the skin is soft try getting rid of some of the excess skin. I've also found the more and farther I run, the worse looking you feet get. Comes with the territory