feeling very tired early in the day at class

Im only 22 and this quarter I have been getting the best consistent rest I have ever had in a while (7-8 hours) and I have a huge bowl of oatmeal with berries every morning.
But in my first lecture I feel super tired where no matter how hard i try, i nod off for a few seconds at a time. And whats odd is that as the day goes on I actually feel less tired where in my third class I rarely feel tired yet its the most boring.
I remember in high school feeling tired in my first class of the day also.

Are there any safe ways to keep up through those boring lectures?
I always write as many notes as possible in my lectures then I take them home and narrow them down. It makes the lecture fly past and works for me really well.
Im only 22 and this quarter I have been getting the best consistent rest I have ever had in a while (7-8 hours) and I have a huge bowl of oatmeal with berries every morning.
But in my first lecture I feel super tired where no matter how hard i try, i nod off for a few seconds at a time. And whats odd is that as the day goes on I actually feel less tired where in my third class I rarely feel tired yet its the most boring.
I remember in high school feeling tired in my first class of the day also.

Are there any safe ways to keep up through those boring lectures?

Is it " Instant Oatmeal " ?

Doe you have an sources of protein with breakfast as well...i.e. dairy ?
When your stomach is full, the hormone acetylcholine is released which effects contraction of smooth muscles to aid in digestion, but relaxation of skeletal muscles which make you sleepy.

Eat a smaller breakfast or eat breakfast earlier and see how that works.

By the way, as an instructor, we know when folks nod off:cool:
I agree that you might want to try having a less carb-y breakfast.

Four other possibilities besides food:

(1) You aren't a morning person: You don't say what time the lecture is. Some people are 'wired' to have more energy at night and less in the early AM. This is particularly true of teenagers and young adults (and tends to shift as we age). Your body might just favor "night owl" status at this point in your life. The only recommendation for that is not to schedule classes too early in the morning, when you can avoid it.

(2) The lecture room is too warm: Sometimes a nice warm room makes us start to nod off. It is near impossible to properly heat/cool lecture rooms, especially in the "between" seasons time of year. Maybe you need to adjust your clothing to reflect this (wear layers you can shed).

(3) 7 or 8 hours of sleep isn't enough for you: That is the average recommended. Some people need more. Some need less. Could be that your body just needs more. Don't ask me where to find the extra time for sleep though (hehe).

(4) The lecture is THAT boring: It really is possible. Best solution for this is to try to multi-task and do other work that is NOT distracting to other people around you, not disrespectful to the instructor, and does not keep you from tuning into the class itself as needed. E.g., start reading the next assignment in the book for that class.

Good luck!
its old fashioned oats, I also put in walnuts, half a banana, and whey. I never been a big breakfast eater so I struggle to finish it all (i usually take 20-30 minutes to slowly eat it while i watch tv or do stuff on the computer). And this is a good 3 hours before my first class.