Feeling Stuck


New member
I started a diet and exercise program back in February. I was 270lbs (Im a 54 y/o male, 6'0" with a muscular build) I had slowly gained the weight after retiring from the fire dept. 3 years earlier. I have bilateral knee replacements (the reason I retired) but still walk, bike ride and swim regularly.

I began tracking my calories and settled on from 1000 to 1300 per day. When coupled with 400-600 calories burned daily in my workouts the math worked great for several months. I dropped to 250 the first two months and then 240 in the next two. However, Im now stuck at 235. Ive been here for 2 months and for the life of me cant get passed it. Im eating the same, working out just as much but I drop a pound, perhaps another and then gain them back in a weekend. Sometimes I can equate this with a slightly heavier eating day than normal (1600 calories) but sometimes I gain a pound even after a very light day. It makes no sense.

Your caloric intake is too low. It sounds wrong but increasing your calories could actually help you lose weight. Sometime your body starts to think it needs to conserve fat because it is being exerted too much without enough calories so your metabolism slows. Adding 300 calories to your diet could be beneficial plus give you more energy which could in turn make your exercise sessions more efficient. But make sure those calories are nutrient-dense and contain protein. Perhaps nuts, seeds, quinoa, chocolate milk, dark chocolate, etc. Many people swear by almonds.
I was reading about ultra-low calorie issues but didnt believe 1300 could be considered a starvation level. Im actually not all that hungry, I mean yes I think about food but its not really that hard to maintain what Im eating now. Adding more would feel very much like cheating! Ill consider giving it a try though, this sure isnt working as is. Thanks!
From what I've learned everyone's body has an optimum calorie point. Too high or too low and you either gain or can't lose. And certain foods will do wonders for your body. Do you get enough fibre?
What is your current bodyfat % the weight on the scales means very little to those of us that carry a lot of muscle ?
I try to keep my diet fairly well balanced though I have to fight to get enough protein. Cutting out fatty meats and such is an easy step but leaves me short there Im sure. As to body fat, its been a while since I had it measured, I will address that ASAP. I can look in the mirror however and see readily that although Im still carrying quite a bit of muscle Ive got a nice thick layer of chub around my midsection that probably equates to 20 lbs or so at least.