Sport Feeling Lightheaded...

Sport Fitness
Im not sure if this has to do with my food, or my lack of sleep, etc. but sometimes, i feel really really lightheaded, like im really hungry. So i eat, but it doesnt help at all.

I really cant tell you what i eat when this just now starting to keep track.

Any thoughts on what may be causing this?

thanks :)
Have you lowered your calorie intake recently? Last year when I was losing weight and I had just started to cut my daily calorie intake I got lightheaded a lot, must of been because in the begining I went from 2500 calories a day to 1600, which I now know is too big of a cut to do quickly.
Possibly low blood sugar? Any other symptoms that go with it? Sometimes with low blood sugar you can feel weak, sweaty, irritable. When you feel that way try eating a snack with some carbs and see if it gets better.

alright, so i was just waiting until i got the feeling again...

i have it right now.

I just ate a pretty good amount. I had pasta (the kinda with the omega-3), 2 chicken tenderloins, with pesto sauce. I also had about a cup of veggies (carrots, broccoli and cauliflower). I also had a glass of ice tea (its sugar free, but it has the aspartame in it) And i dont think it has anything to do with aspartame, cause i am like a diet coke yeah :p

Its really annoying though, cause i still feel hungry, but that was definately a good sized meal.

Not to gross anyone out, but i am starting my period...that might have somethign to do with it? (although ive def had it at other times)

anyways, any thoughts would be great :)

oh and sarah, i dont really notice anything...just a little irritable, and i guess weak too
I'd check in with your doctor if there doesn't seem to be a pattern. Sometimes people get dizzy when their blood sugar levels are low, but if you just ate and then got the feeling... most likely blood sugar is fine.

Edited to add-not sure how your workout has been, but perhaps you just need a break? Do you think you have been over doing it all?