Feeling a little low today


New member
Hi there ,
I'm new to all this so please bare with me,
I'm beguinning to battle with myself constantly with my weight. For years and through my teens I didn't give an ounce of care towards what people saw in me and what my weight was. Recently, and in the last 8 months I cannot shift my mindset from thinking I'm too big and I need to make a change...
starting off- I tried the inevitable 'Juice Plus' boosters, forced myself while gagging to swallow the mixture of boosters and set myself regular meal breaks (even around my shifts)---(ish!) then I purchased appetite pills and shake concoctions to try and fill me up, give me the vitamins and everything I need ect ect. No change.
Over Xmas just gone and looking forward to my holiday booked with my fiancé (1st one abroad together-yippee) I've just felt like a big sack of potatoes. Underneath the layers of the fat me, I do sport an hourglass figure ... much to my disgust it's got a lot more sand than anyone else's in! I do have a larger than average bust and this is possibly the only thing keeping my body looking a bit less fat .. but that isn't making me feel any better.
January I started cycling on an exercise bike, ate 3 meals a day one being a slimfast shake, tried walking just about everywhere .. and at the start I weighed 96.4kg.
(I'm 5'5" and my BMI comes in at about 33 at the moment. 96kg definately isn't where I should be.)
I work full time shifts as an Ambulance Care Assistant, so at work I'm generally pretty mobile, carry chairs and stretcher pulling are daily tasks.. by February I weighed in at 94.6kg .. and it all stopped.. I couldn't lose any, I didn't feel any better, so I started snacking again (still fruit, and the occasional crisps) but didn't bother so much... still I can't shift any more of this weight.. recent weigh in is at 94.6kg!? How does that work?

I try talking to my Fiancé about how I'm feeling but he tells me I'm his no matter what and blah blah I just think he says it because he has to. The Jammy idiot can eat what he likes and generally eats twice the amount that I do in a day anyway! Yet is only a 28/30inch waist and fit as they come! If I try and say I want to lose weight the answer usually comes back as 'you should try more exercise, do more' but I literally can't fit in the gym everyday and after 5 shifts in my week and his son at our house for weekends I literally don't have time.. or any energy!

Today I have 61 days until I fly out to a sunny resort and the thing I'm dreading most? ... my weight! I just don't know what to do, I can't get motivated and I just think I'm working for nothing.. I don't want to look like the beached whale on holiday and I don't want my super hot fit slim fiancé seeing something better across the pool and wondering why I can't look like that

Are some people just meant to be fat?
I'm feeling so low about it, makes me want to eat because I don't care anymore.. (which in actual fact is the opposite because I couldn't care MORE about how I look lately)

Some advice?
Thank you.
Have you tried logging every morsel that passes your lips - it could be that your meals or drinks are much higher in calories than you imagine...

If regular mealtimes do not work for you - try to build your food plan around the meal times that do work for you. Make sure that they are at a calorie level appropriate for weight loss... If possible ensure that you hit your nutrient targets too - you will find out all about those if you read the pinned threads in the nutrition section.

The exercise is a great idea and should definitely be kept up - you don't need to take time out of your schedule to go to the gym - lots of walking and exercise bike are great - mixed with a lot of lifting at work...

A wonderful form of exercise that you can do anywhere is skipping... I tried that when I was young... You really don't need a gym to get some great results...

You do not mention drinking water... At your weight you should be drinking at least 2 litres of water a day - but preferably 3 litres of water...

I find that if I drink that amount of water it tends to make me drink a lot less of other things - and less inclined to eat as much either...
It also has the effect of reducing any water retention...

Some people can suffer terribly from water retention making their weight higher than it otherwise would be - things like the amount of sodium in the diet (e.g. how salty your food is) have an impact.

I suggest that you check out the challenges and clubs - they may help you to keep motivated...

Also start a diary and log your progress... Visit other people's diaries to see what they are doing and cheer them on - with luck some people will visit you and cheer you on too...

Good luck with your project.