Sport Fear of over/under post

Sport Fitness
Hello, i'm 22 years old, male, 6'1 and currently at 195 lbs. I don't really mind if the number goes up or down, but i could lose about 30-35 lbs of straight fat before i would call myself in shape. Some past circumstances left me pretty weak (bench reps only at 85lbs for example).

Anyway, for the past month and now continuing on, i lift for 1.5 hours, spread through muscle groups, three days a week, cardio for ~45 minutes three days a week, and take my last day off.

The calorie counter sites (ive sampled at least 10 before posting this) give me a huge variation of between 2000-3300 maintenance/day, and i'm worried about eating too low and negating my muscle gain, or vice versa and gaining fat. I usually eat ~1300 calories a day.

This is probably one of the worst posts of all time, but i hope thats a valid starting point for the question of "how much should i be eating per day" kinda thing ^^.

Anyway, thanks!
So what are you asking exactly? Your calorie intake is extremely low, I will tell you that much. 6'1 and 165, seems a little too skinny to me. I think you would be good around 190, with more muscle and less fat (a generalization since I dont know what your body looks like).
mmm, more unclear than i hoped huh.

To be as specific as possible, for someone with the very low muscle mass i have atm, which estimate of calories/day (2000, 3500?) is closest to what i should be taking in to build muscle/lose fat?

Or one more way to say it, about how many calories should i be taking in to keep my body from eating away the muscle im trying to build, given the very generic exercises i mentioned? (And vice versa, to keep myself from gaining fat)

I hope that makes more sense ^^
Well if you want to add muscle mass you should be at more, and opposite for losing weight. You have to decide which one you want to do. If you want to bulk, try around 3000, if you want to lose, try around 2000. Make sure you are working out and eating good foods. Does this help?
Helps very much, thats exactly what i was wondering ^^

That does, however, open up another question...If i intend to lose fat(aesthetics first and all), will all the lifting not be adding any muscle? IE would i be better solo cardio for the higher calorie burn?

Thanks (again? ^^)
The muscle you develop will help burn the calories you need to lose the weight. If you dont give yourself lots of calories, than you wont gain, you will lose.
if you want to look better then weight train.

adding muscle will make you look slimmer anyway, having bigger shoulders will help get rid of your "round look" by making you look more square.
weight training hard for 30mins will burn just as much energy as joging for 30mins. however, your muscles use up energy when they are healing, so your also burning energy for 2-3days after your workout.
weight training help you later in life. buy becoming stronger, your will be using your muscles when you lift objects at work and round the house rather than using your joints for leverage. therfore stronger people have less joint problems later in life.

still do your CV but as a way to stay healthy.