FDA to regulate supplements/herbs/juices

Read the report here:

A couple quotes from the FDA's document:

"...if a person decides to produce and sell raw vegetable juice for use in juice therapy to promote optimal health... [and] if the juice therapy is intended for use as part of a disease treatment regimen instead of for the general wellness, the vegetable juice would also be subject to regulation as a drug under the Act."


...'"biologically based practices" includes, but is not limited to, botanicals, animal-derived extracts, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, prebiotics and probiotics: whole diets, and "functional foods". ...a botanical product intended for use in treating a disease would generally be regulated as a drug." ..."functional foods" may be subject to FDA regulation as foods, dietary supplements, or drugs under the Act."'

I would love to see that happen. How would they enforce that? The FDA are a bunch of tossers. We can all be druggies/drug dealers together. Me and my rehydrating bottle of H20.
If that's true, the companies will probably have to charge more for the supps, or will cut costs and start adding in more ****.

Either way, we loose.
No, it wouldn't. Not as long as the supplement companies could pay up like the drug companies do.

Supplement companies pay up like the drug companies? Like they have anywhere near that much money.

Even if that were the case, we lose (as Lei said) :(

I read this article the other day and am still mad as hell.
This would affect my profession of choice and if this bill is passed i can say goodbye to any dream of becoming an RD and a PT.
This would affect every personal trainer and RD out there. Possibly destroying their careers!

Every time i read this list i just get pissed.

This is the FDA doing what they do best. Protecting BIG pharma and ensuring we are totally dependent apon doctors and their drugs!

Please read this entire list if you do not care to read the whole article at least.

# All vitamins, nutritional supplements and functional foods will be stripped of their structure & function claims, reducing them to empty labels where virtually nothing at all is allowed to be stated.

# Vegetable juice will be regulated as a drug. Raw juice retreats will be raided or shut down.

# Growing and selling common garden herbs will get you arrested as a drug dealer.

# Massage oils and handheld massagers will be regulated as "medical devices."
# Yoga props, pilates machines and weight machines will be regulated as "medical devices" and require FDA approval before being sold or used.

# Raw sprouts and other anti-cancer foods will be regulated as drugs.

# Bottled water that "treats" dehydration will be regulated as a drug.

# Massage therapists who use hot rocks as part of their therapy will have the ROCKS regulated as medical devices! (It's true. The FDA will actually look at a pile of rocks and declare, "Those are medical devices!")

# Functional foods, supplements, vitamins and homeopathic remedies will disappear from store shelves, pending FDA "review." (The only things remaining will be processed junk foods and pharmaceuticals, which is exactly what Big Business wants.)

# Therapeutic tea products, such as green tea, will be outlawed and confiscated.

# Vitamin store owners will be arrested and prosecuted for "practicing medicine without a license."

# Citizens owning personal inventories of "unapproved drugs" (vitamins and herbs) may have their homes raided at gunpoint and their inventories confiscated by armed law enforcement agents.

# The importation of herbs and functional foods from all countries may be banned.
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This is all coming through because everyone voted for smoking bans. As soon as that happened lawyers started going for restaurants about the food they serve and packaged food manufactures for what is in their product.

Everyone said "but the smokers are the other guy." Well, we are all someones other guy.

Now personal trainers and dietitians will end up being government regulated, by non-experts in the field. This will stifle creativity and set us back decades. Just like what has already happened to the physical therapy industry.

Americans are voting themselves into socialism. Within most of our lifetimes we will have food that we are and are not allowed to eat. It will be regulated / banned / or taxed extra. Purely because we allow our government to think for us and continue to believe that the average American is incapable of making good decisions for themselves.

We have a very challenging battle coming up between people who want to take responsibility for themselves and people who want to control others based upon their personal belief system.

It would be interesting to see how much we could change things if we took the money spent trying to ban and regulate things, and put it toward education on healthy lifestyle.

I still want the right to eat cheese burgers until I die of a stroke at age 40.

(I won't, but it is nice to know that I can.) ;)
I agree, the smokers may have been the first of many, and we see how much they get picked on now...

I'm so glad I got to shoot down an extra tax on them last November.

It didn't stop the impending storm, though...
The right to bear arms is another great example. It is a right we should have.

Taking more rights away will ALWAYS lead to further extremes that nobody wants.

Yea. I always vote against smoking bans and tax hikes on tobacco products. There is usually some sort of really stupid legislation attached to those bills as well.
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You guys should go read the CODEX bill. Basically we will have the same standards that are set in the UK, Australia, and countries like that.

It's possible that you will need a prescription for things like vitamin C. No they won't take protein and creatine off the market, etc.

I practically begged and pleaded with everyone I knew in real life or on the net to contact their representatives to vote against this bill as the general public had no voting rights on this other than through their local representative. You can see how well I was taken seriously.

Ah well...I got a stash of supps for years. :)
The right to bear arms is another great example. It is a right we should have.

Taking more rights away will ALWAYS lead to further extremes that nobody wants.

Yea. I always vote against smoking bans and tax hikes on tobacco products. There is usually some sort of really stupid legislation attached to those bills as well.

I'm all for the right to bear arms but I'm also all for smoking bans. I think I have a right to clean air and so do people that have asthma. Pick a right that's worth fighting for. Not a right to breath cancer causing air :rolleyes:

The problem is though you can't have it both ways. You can't kinda have this and sort of have that. We live in an extreme society that changes their minds on an everyday basis because of top selling box office hits and poll taken "values".

The best offering to our society is choice. A restaurant should have a choice if they will allow smoking. You as a customer has a choice to eat there. Allowing for choice to be a daily habit is an important thing. The more you allow the government to take away that choice in exchange for convenience, the more you take a step towards never being able to make one again.
I'm all for the right to bear arms but I'm also all for smoking bans. I think I have a right to clean air and so do people that have asthma. Pick a right that's worth fighting for. Not a right to breath cancer causing air

It is your right not to go into establishments that allow smoking. It is the owner of that establishments right to decide what they will allow and not allow to happen in "THEIR" business. Remember that most of these so called "public" places are privately owned and operated.

The problem is though you can't have it both ways.

theleip is right. You can't have both. Freedom is just that. Freedom. You are free to smoke or not smoke, own guns or not. These are basic rights. Banning them will only lead to bans and regulation of food and more common things.

New York and California have already started banning foodstuffs.

California has (or is about to) ban plastic bags for environmental reasons, when we have the plastic bags because environmentalist wackos did not want us cutting down trees for bags 30 years ago.

Everyone is ready to ban things and make laws before they know the whole story.

The worst is who pays for all of this lawmaking, and then the regulation of the laws after they are passed. That is us. The tax payers. So if you are happy always paying more taxes, and having less freedoms, keep voting to ban things. We will be socialists in no time.

The average American business pays - 50% + tax on profit. In New York City over 60%.

Can you imagine that much coming out of your paycheck. It already comes out of your employers income. Won't be long before it has to come from you.
The best offering to our society is choice. A restaurant should have a choice if they will allow smoking. You as a customer has a choice to eat there. Allowing for choice to be a daily habit is an important thing. The more you allow the government to take away that choice in exchange for convenience, the more you take a step towards never being able to make one again.

I truely do not like it when the government tries to control our lives. However, I feel very strongly with banning smoking in restaurants.

First of all, people are only thinking about the customers. I'm a waitress and serve in a smoking restaurant. There are a few other servers that also don't smoke and that can't stand it as much as me. This is our job and I believe that since it is our job we have a right to a safe and clean work environment. Imagine if smoking was still allowed in office buildings and the boss happened to be a smoker. Could you imagine someone right next to you lighting up a cigarette? Hell if you worked in a factory and the air within the building was dangerous to breathe in they would close it down until the problem was resolved.

Female waitresses are 4 times as likely to develop lung cancer even if they don't smoke. People are all up in a huff about taxes, who do you think are paying for their medical care?

Honestly I think allowing smokers in restaurants is not a celebration of rights but a restriction of rights. Nonsmokers lose because I can no longer choose to be healthy. Smokers lose cause (let's face it) they are addicted to a substance that has been chemically altered to be so incrediably addicting. The only ones truely winning is the tobacco company.

I'm not trying to be melodramatic but honestly I hate having to choose between working as a waitress or my lungs. As another example I knew a waitress at a another restaurant that was pregnant who did not smoke and who felt terrible having to serve in a restaurant which was filled with smoke (there were seperate sections but it didn't help). What is she going to do? Quit and have no money? Going back on the taxes thing, who do you think is paying for the medical care of the baby when it comes out with all known problems of having been exposed to smoke as a fetus?

Female waitresses are 4 times as likely to develop lung cancer even if they don't smoke. People are all up in a huff about taxes, who do you think are paying for their medical care?

This is one of the best arguments for smoking bans that I hear. It is the only one that does not involve a "real" choice as it is hard to tell someone to change jobs. There is also no good rebuttal to this argument besides that we need to have tolerance for the behavior of others.

The only ones truely winning is the tobacco company.

They deserve what they get because people buy the product. It does not matter if it is bad for peoples health or not.

Going back on the taxes thing, who do you think is paying for the medical care of the baby when it comes out with all known problems of having been exposed to smoke as a fetus?

Health care is a separate issue for me because I think everyone should pay for their own health care. Health care is a service, like having an accountant or a house cleaning service. Some people will pay for it and others won't. Everyone should be responsible for their own care. Remember that people originally moved to this country to be allowed to have responsibility for their own lives.

It sounds harsh but as we all know. Freedom is not free. That means having tolerance for the behaviors and actions of others. Bans are like the gateway drug of government. That first one might be ok, but things are much worse farther down the road.

Tolerance doesn't mean you have to like it, but you have to put up with it.