Sport Favorite type of Protien

Sport Fitness
Hey, just wanted to get a feel for everyone's favorite type of protien. Ive used Optimum Nutrition and Cytosport (not muscle milk) and am looking at switching brands.
I like BioLabs low carb whey ().
Just did a search for it and couldn't find it. What are the macro's for it? Im debating whether or not to get a zero carb protien powder or one with ~30g of carbs, just for meal replacement.
Oops, sorry tha tlink didn't work for some reason and the name is actually BioTest not BioLabs. They call their stuff:

Metabolic Drive®
Low Carb Formula
Award Winning Protein Powder Whey Isolate / Micellar Casein

They also have a version with Carbs:

Metabolic Drive®
Muscle Growth Formula
Supports Maximum Muscle Growth During Gaining Phases
I started to workout about 2 months ago. For me my target is to lose weight and well get alittle slim trim on the muscles :)
I started using Wheybolic Extreme 60 and well I lost weight but saw no be muscle buildup and well not much recovery from it. BTW I mostly do the cardio machines and various nautilus machines. I then switched to Myofusion on a recommendation from another board. I didn't noticed the stats on the back of the tub and well now I am stuck with what looks like more of everything, calories etc..

My hands are up in the air with this stuff right now....
I like Nitrean by its a blend of whey and casein (and some egg I think), tastes good, low low fat and low carb, but tastes real good. Online only to get it.

no more than 2 shakes a day though..I love my eggs and steak and chicken breast
I like Nitrean by its a blend of whey and casein (and some egg I think), tastes good, low low fat and low carb, but tastes real good. Online only to get it.

no more than 2 shakes a day though..I love my eggs and steak and chicken breast

Would you say that 100% whey or whey + casein etc in general beats out a product like Wheybolic or Myofusion? If so why? Carbs? Burns fat? Less fat?
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I started to workout about 2 months ago. For me my target is to lose weight and well get alittle slim trim on the muscles :)
I started using Wheybolic Extreme 60 and well I lost weight but saw no be muscle buildup and well not much recovery from it. BTW I mostly do the cardio machines and various nautilus machines. I then switched to Myofusion on a recommendation from another board. I didn't noticed the stats on the back of the tub and well now I am stuck with what looks like more of everything, calories etc..

My hands are up in the air with this stuff right now....

thirdwill, when you say you lost weight and saw no muscle... one. you were losing weight, so any increase in muscle size would not happen, and, two. do you know your body fat percentage? if not then the weight lost may also have been from muscle.
Darren I wouldn't say I you know have no muscle but I suppose most of my workout consisted of 1 set 10 reps of the various nautilus equip. I usually do about 30 min of cardio if I didn't say that before. On a elliptical that I use it has burn fat for heart beat and cardio which is a higher bps. I usually do the cardio one, trying to get rid of fat mostly.
Again still fairly new to the whole workout process and doing it on my own.
How do you find out your body fat percentage Darren?
I get pure whey protein from I've heard good things about casein, but I like to keep it simple and get it in bulk without having to pay for fancy packaging.
Pure Whey vs something like Myofusion

I get pure whey protein from I've heard good things about casein, but I like to keep it simple and get it in bulk without having to pay for fancy packaging.

I have went to gyms where they sell there own whey protein but not as cheap as I have found tubs like Myofusion. Would you use Myofusion and if not why choose whey?
Dymatize Elite Chocolate mint is my favorite protein for taste. I've had a few of the flavors they all have tasted good and ingredient profile is pretty good. They also make a sustained release and pure isolate.