favorite holiday movie...


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What is your favorite holiday movie to watch around this time of the year?

I just finished watching Home Alone. I love that movie, but I love watching the old christmas carol and how the grinch stole christmas (cartoon version) every year without fail!:)
A christmas story!

"You'll shoot ur eye out kid!" :D:D!
I love Little Women...my favorite version is the one with Elizabeth Taylor. :) I also love both versions of Miracle on 34th Street.
I love a christmas story - one fo the cable networks does a 24 hours of it every christmas day and I swear i never saw the movie from start to finish but i've seen the entire movie in various pieces... I got the dvd last year and it jsut wasn't the same thing :D
My husband loves the one that has the "clay like people". Where it has the little santa's elf that says "I want to be a dentist" and he goes to the Island of Misfits. Is it called Rudolph? I dont know. But he loves that movie.
I love all the "claymation" christmas movies. Especially the one about Jack Frost. That's one of my favorites! :)
A Christmas Story and Home Alone!

I just saw "The Holiday" on Friday and I will have to say it's an awesome Christmas movie as well!
yeah...It's A Wonderful Life...is my alltime favorite........makes me cry everytime, and i love Scrooged with Bill Murray that one is awsome!!!
Merry christmas all:p .....STAR
A Christmas Story is the best! I love the TNT marathon.

It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, Home Alone, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolph and the Land of Misfit Toys, Charlie Brown Christmas..

I reallly really really want to go see "The Holiday".. looks awesome.
I love so many but I would have to say Rudolph the Red nose Reindeer
brings back those wonderful childhood memorie's.:)
A Christmas Story just rocks 'Ohhhhhhh ffffffuuuudddgggge! Only I didn't say fudge...' 'Woopie a Zeppelin!' And I love how they use the music to Peter and the Wolf to depicts the bully scenes. Just a great movie.

I also love 'the classics':

Frosty the Snowman
Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer
A Charlie Brown Christmas (loo lo lo, lo lo lo lo lo!)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Ah...the memories!