Fatty Liver, Yellowing eyes & high Triglycerides


New member
So, I was told by my doctor about two years ago that I have a semi-fatty liver and high Triglycerides (fat in the blood). For the next year I made the gym my second home and ate "better" I did loose about 20 lbs. Then, I became a full time college student and got promoted to full time at work. I became more active in church and needless to say my schedule became very filled. All of these great things though, have reeked havoc on my health.

I bought a scale and discovered being busy and gymless has put me at 202lbs. The heaviest I've been.

Yesterday, My eyes were really bothering me and when I pulled down my lower lid it was extremely yellow. I've made a Dr. appointment for Friday but my lifestyle changes need to start now!!

I'm looking for and tips or advice on cutting processed, sugary, and high fat food. I particularly need help creating a meal plan :ack2:

I just don't know where to start...
I'm sorry to hear you're having such problems with your health. I think your best bet would be to wait until your doctor's appointment on Friday and see what he says about your yellowing eyes. At that time, you can discuss a meal plan that will work for you.

Good luck!
You should most certainly discuss the best diet that you should be following with your doctor on Friday.

Having said that - it makes sense to try to eat as healthily as possible until Friday.

I am certainly no expert.

A quick scan of the internet suggests that there are liver friendly foods that you could be having between now and then. It may be worth printing out the article and asking your doctor to comment.

I do know that I have read that it is important that we drink enough water for both our kidneys and liver to work properly - and that we should drink more if we are heavier and / or if we exercise... A lot of people here aim to drink 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds that we weigh... The very important thing is that we drink enough water so that our urine looks clear if we look in the toilet bowl after we urinate.

Since the G in GP stands for general - it is worth remembering that a GP is not an expert in such ailments - so I would probably be asking if you could see an expert... in this case you are probably talking about a liver expert and / or dietician.

Good luck with the doctor.
Hi Gila! i agree with the above poster do a search for liver friendly foods, cut out all refined, processed food, genetically modified food (liver won't have to process additives or preservatives) though dandilion greens and kale can be quite strong for cleansing i would reccomend collared greens, i can actually devise a meal if you'd like..
Good luck with the doctor.

Thanks for the idea... I spent all day reading up on foods. I 'm still in a bit of shock and worried about my health but I feel very confident in my ability to make better choices. I bought a clean eating cook book and SOOOO much produce. I'm also doing a morning cinnamon cleanse and drinking a TOM more water (about 75 oz a day for a goal).

Any suggestion on the forum for creating a support team?
Hi Gila! i agree with the above poster do a search for liver friendly foods, cut out all refined, processed food, genetically modified food (liver won't have to process additives or preservatives) though dandilion greens and kale can be quite strong for cleansing i would reccomend collared greens, i can actually devise a meal if you'd like..

Some meal ideas would be MUCH appreciated! I bought some kale yesterday and juiced it but I want to incorporate it in more meals.
It is natural to worry about our health with such symptoms. You are doing absolutely the right thing by making a swift doctor's appointment and resolving to eat healthily.

As far as a support team - it may be worth seeing what your doctor suggests from a nutrition perspective and forming one of more challenges / clubs based on that and seeing if anyone wants to join you.

For instance - the doctor may suggest drinking sufficient water and eating green veg every day and avoiding other foods...

You could see if anyone wanted to join you on
a/ a "water drinking" challenge or club
b/ an "eat your greens" challenge or club
c/ a "citrus fruit a day" challenge or club
d/ an "avoid my food enemy" or a "switch white flour/rice/pasta to brown" challenge or club

It may not work - but it might work and you might find some people struggling with some of the same things...

I would imagine that anyone with similar health issues would see this posting if they are active on the forum and would pop into this thread and introduce themselves...
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I notice that even though no one is posting here there is a fair amount of view so I thought I'd update... I'm down 11lbs and the yellowing has decreased significantly. I'm still going to has my Triglycerides checked though. But increased water intake has seemed to help the most... :) END UPDATE lol