Fat loss supplements

A few Sentences:

Hickory-Dickory-Dock, Fat Loss Pills are a Bunch of Crock

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep Fat Loss Pills belong in the garbage Heap

The Farmer in the Dell please put Fat Loss Pills in Hell!

Old Mother Hubburd no Fat Loss Pills in her Cubbord.

Pat-A-Cake Pat-A-Cake Fat Loss Pills are a Fake and are Mistake to Take!


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What the......heck one more:

Row, Row, Row Your Boat Fat Loss Pills dont belong in your Throat!

Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Please take Personal Note to keep your brain A-Float!

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Oh well,

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Fat Loss Pills are Bizarre; throw them very Far.

There Once Was An Old Maid who ate Fat Loss Pills by Trade who blew up like a Grenade was severely Betrayed!

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Rub-A-Dub-Dub Smash Fat Loss Pills with a fricken Club and scrub your mental Hub!

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Fish oils are good to consume for your good fat intake, but will do practically nothing for fat loss---the almighty Deficit Diet is the fat burner.

Do not FRIGHT the Almighty Calorie is pretty damn TIGHT in the Fat Loss FIGHT.

Therefore, be the QUITE-RIOT in the DEFICIT DIET!

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heres one I just made up......LOL!

Peter Piper didnt get Hyper by having Fat Loss pills in his DIAPER

Peter, Peter, CHEATER Pumkin Eater put Fat Loss Pills in his HEATER but grew a smaller PETER.

Moral of the Story: CHEATER EATERS no METERS to the PETERS.

All in fun......

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I was just trying to bring a smile; if it bothered you I apologize, brotha!

Its all good! If I can assist you with anything.....let me know.....I am here to help!