Fat Loss Basic


New member
Now the science of customizing the test is there practice for years not only by celebrities but by all the best bodybuilders and fitness models who had the leanest physics on the planet there are three general body types you may have heard of they are actor more mezzo morph mm the wharf what you probably haven't heard it yet are all the other body types that science has recently identified and healthy all respond to nutrients differently this is so important because understanding what your true body type is not your general body type and how it responds to nutrition is absolutely crucial to know what teat 20 how much to eat to burn fat this is why even the very best I folks out there work for just some people and not others just three through all the most popular diet books and you'll see what I mean they all approach nutrition differently claim to be the next best thing but it's impossible for that to ever bathe case because the information in these books do not apply specifically to you or your body type I mean it makes sense right think about said this person really have the exact same nutrition plan as this percent or should this person really be eating the same way as this person we are all different and weal have different nutritional needs to maximize our fat loss you see the number one problem killing .
I agree that customizing is the key. Whether it's an advice or a success story about losing weight, we should first see whether we can tailor it to our system and needs. The reason why a method works for some and doesn't work for others is largely due to different results different people will get using the same method!
True. It even applies to everything. It doesn't mean that if it works for one, then it'll work for everybody. So therefore, each one of us needs to have an original plan as to what works best for our own self and not just copy because the other one is successful of his/her plan - may it be diet, workout or career plan. :)