Fat Burning Ideas Anyone


New member
Hi Everyone,

New here, looking for some fat burning ideas for my mid section.
Why is it so hard to lose weight after 30?
Welcome to the forum :)

after 30 your metabolism begins to slow down, but it is not the end of being able to loose, you just need to be dedicated to diet and exercise.
Hi - new here as well. I know exactly what you mean. My upper abs look great, but getting rid of that tummy is my toughest challenge. Have you tried some pilate exercises? They can really work. Also, if you drink carbonated beverages, bloating can be a problem. Hope this helped, and good luck!

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I think looking to your diet is the key to starting that look at your belly. Cutting out carbonated drinks was a great answer. They can certainly do it. Also dairy is a Huge contributor to gut bloat. You may think you do OK with it but just try to cut dairy out of your diet for a month and see what happens.
Hi Floyd, I hear ya! Don't give up the fight. When we get older it gets harder, not only because our metabolism slows down but also because we get locked into unhealthy patterns of behavior (like sitting in a desk at work all day, eating pizza in the car on the way home, and on and on)... problems we never had as a kid running around all day.

I've used a low carb diet for the last few years and it has worked well, and apart from a few slips ups from time to time it's not hard to stick to it once you get in the habit. I also include a cheat day once a week to keep insulin sensitivity high.

If you're a guy, part of the problem too is your hormones change. Lift weights to keep your growth hormones pumping!
Never thought about dairy or soda. I'll give these a try. one month? OK
Wish me luck angle0251 I appreciate the info

Excellent Point!

I need to eliminate carbonated beverages - I didn't think they made that much of a difference, thanks!

Good luck, Floyd! You've got this! Another reason to give up sodas: they are very high in sodium. They have a lot of salt so that you get thirsty and want more. Check the label on the amount of sodium. It's shocking!
I hope you found what you were looking for. I`m doing a new dance exercise video to help the same area. Hoping it works as well.
Watching what foods contribute to the bloaty middle is a beginning. After that, find a stress relieving action to take several times a day in short bursts to reduce the stress hormones in your body. You'll see your weight shift and body shape shift. I like Tapping but also Mindfulness, Yoga, meditation, guided visualization is good.