Fat Burners??

I have a couple questions regarding "fat burners" for lack of a better term (hydroxycut, hot rox, redline, etc.)

First does your body adjust to them if you take them routinely? Should they be cycled in any way?

Secondly which ones have you found to be the most effective?
Yes, your body does get used to them. At most, you might get 100cals a day burned via 'thermogenics' like Hydroxycut, or an ECA stack. in fact, if you decided to do anything, I'd go with a homemade ECA stack. Ephedra is not as dangerous as certain doctors would have you believe, especially if you don't take too much.

I would take them for no more than 8 weeks at a time with a month off between cycles. Which works well with a typical 2-3 month cutting cycle...if 3 months, don't start the fat burner til months 2-3 so you can use it to keep energy up and deal with those last few stubborn pounds.
I have seen it sold at several places online as recently as a 1-2 months ago. Not sure if it is still available. The one place I did see it was at
it can be hard to find ephedra in the US, since the FDA tried to ban it, then the ban was repealed.
online sources will probably be your best, and cheapest, source.

ECA stack recipes are found all over. i'd look up 3, and make sure they all agree with each other.
I think the ephedra sales rival even the protein sales at the moment where I work.