Fat burner and Kre-Alkalyn, help!

Hey, What's the best fat burner out there? I've read a lot of great reviews on Hydroxy Cut, but a friend of mine told me to just use Tri Pharm Inferno because it was cheaper and showed similiar/same results. Does anyone have any experiences with these products?

Also is it alright if I were to take Kre-Alkalyn and a fat burner at the same time during my weight training? Or should I just take the Kre-Alkalyn first untill I bulk up than use a fat burner later? I dont have that much time to work out, but when I do I would like to achieve the best results possible for that time. I'm new to supplements any help/advice would be great. Thanks!
DUDE!!! I know one that is very expensive, it takes a while to work, but the results tend to last for as long as you wish.

Increased, and sustained, heart rate.

sweat daily!

I'll let you in on a cool secret. Here's the trick, you can't tell anyone about this deal. Because if you do, I'm going to be looking for you.

Okay, whew! Here's the trick, you can only do this on a sunny day. So hopefully a sunny day is coming soon in your area. Anyway, get in your car, bus, bike, or walk down the streets to the nearest lake. Be sure the lake is clear and not all greenish. Look for a frog and pick it up and hold it in your hands. Frogs are cool, and they feel funny. Anyway, I'm getting off subject here. Anyway, continue along until you come to the lake or body of water. Look in, and when you see a reflection of yourself, you know you found the best fat burner in the world. And it's free too... well as long as you're not trespassing on someone's property... which by god, give him the freaking frog as a bride if you get caught. Anyway, remember, don't tell anyone about this. It's between you and me. Also, you can skip the lake, and look in a mirror but that's boring.

As you can tell, don't waste your money on crap supplements. Don't base weight on success or failure. Just go out, have fun, practice variety, moderation, and balance with eating, and you'll lose weight and at the same time you'll feel better than ever. Don't stress on this crazy diet world... as you can tell there's a lot of diets out there... but funny thing is if all of them work, why do we need new ones every week? I'll tell you why, because they don't work!
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Hey, What's the best fat burner out there?

YOU, and there is no equal.

Be proud that you are the most advanced Fat Burning machine within the universe and you have two arms, two legs, and a brain to empower YOU.

Every breath you TAKE.
Every movement you MAKE.
Every feeling you PARTAKE.
Do not MISTAKE what will bring heart ACHE because they are FAKE: Over-the-counter FAT-BURNERS

Every breath you TAKE.
Every movement you MAKE.
Every feeling you PARTAKE.
Do not MISTAKE for your SAKE what will BAKE your goal CAKE: The Deficit Diet and Exercise

It is TRUE, all Fat Burners are POO-POO.
STEW the NEW YOU by drinking the diet and exercise BREW and the NEW YOU will DEBUT.

You have all the power within YOU! SEEK IT. FIND IT. USE IT.

You will be forever, grateful.


I dont know if you had taken the time to review some of the information available on this great web site. In case you havent, I have provided some links for you to review. Take the time to review them they may be able to assist you greatly in your goal quest.

Go here and read on some basic and fundamental information:




Go here for some thoughts on the mental side:


(allot of pages to go through, but there IS good information that may help you if you take the time to seek it)


Young man, I leave you with this thought:

Your goal achievement is up to you.

"If it's meant to be; it's up to me."

I am here to help you in any way I can in your personal success and so are many other persons on this forum. You have come to the right place to seek help and advice.

I wish you the best in all that you do in life and in fitness,


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Does anyone have any experiences with these products?

I dont have any "personal" experience with the products you mentioned because I choose not to take them due to not being needed.

Also is it alright if I were to take Kre-Alkalyn and a fat burner at the same time during my weight training? Or should I just take the Kre-Alkalyn first untill I bulk up than use a fat burner later?

You will be better served whether cutting or bulking in choosing between Creatine MONO or Creatine Ethyl Ester and dropping the fat burner.

Does this answer your questions?
Im not a huge fan of supplements. However, I do support the use of Flax Oil, Fish Oil, and Whey Protein Powder. However, Creatine does have some evidentiary background to support benefits of use.

When looking at supps, be sure to study the supp with a well educated brain and weed through the primary purpose of the company selling the product.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. We are here to help.

Best wishes to you, my friend,

1. kre-alkalyn is a waste of money. start with 100% pure creatine monohydrate or 100% pure creatine ethyl ester. anything 'fancier' than those two is a waste of cash and doesn't have any scientific studies to backup the marketing claims!

2. i'll tell you what fat burner to use...AFTER you've gotten yourself down to 10% body fat through normal diet/exercise methods. that is the time when fat burners actually become beneficial.
and, Hydroxycut isn't a good one anymore...not since they banned ephedra in useful quantities.
I appreciate your concern, but if someone could answer or help me with my question that would be great...

I too have seen the ads and infomercials......it's tempting as heck: "FIVE-TIMES the fat loss as compared to exercise & diet alone"...who can overlook that??? The before/after photo's, doctor endorsements, etc. And that money-back guarantee sure makes it sound like it must work, eh???

Time and again my nutritionist & doctor friends tell me it's all bs, gimmick and a waste of money. In the end, the gist of it is merely stimulants....it revs-up your heart-rate and consequently decreases your appetite. Basically nothing a strong cup of coffee won't do for you.

What I find ironic is that people who are in good shape & healthy don't need the stuff....and the people who need it are too heavy and out of shape to safely take a stimulant. And as for their proprietary blends of ingredients that help your body melt fat, etc....just marketing & gimmick.

In the end, anything in this world worth having is something you have to work hard for. There are no short-cuts or easy-way outs. I know several people who had their stomach stapled or altered, they aren't healthy or happy today...a few of them have some serious issues now. People who have had lipo also tend to regrow new fat cells and get heavy again.

Proper diet, exercise and mental attitude is the way. It's slow, tedious, frustrating and often seems impossible....but where the mind goes, the body follows. Forget the snake-oils, miracle products and 8-week solutions.