Weight-Loss Fat Blasters


Hypo Hippo

New member
Fat Blasters ~ Cause that's what we are doing here! Lol!
Initial C ~ 270
VonArtiste ~ 204
Cannon2006 ~ 449.1
ShannonM ~ 153.2
Aussiegirl ~ 189.8
Punky ~ 215

TOTAL = 1481.1

Everyone please read!!!
Please post your starting weight IN POUNDS PLEASE sometime on Monday. This challenge will run until Monday, July 24. I realize that because of time differences, people will be checking in at different times, but you will need to have checked in by early Tuesday morning (my time).

Each member needs to post in this thread at least once every three days. If you do not, you may be dropped from the challenge. If something comes up and you need to be gone for awhile, please let your team members know. Please do not leave the responsibility to me to make sure that all of your team members are posting regularly. I will be checking in with each team but I cannot always keep up with everyone. Please let me know if you think someone has jumped ship. (Maybe we can throw them a life preserver? ;) )

Please keep this clean. I encourage friendly competition. Please do not post rude comments in the competing teams' threads or diaries. The posts will be deleted if anyone does so and that person may be dropped from the challenge.

More will follow later about the postcards or ecards. Have I included everything? Let me know if there are any questions.

Have fun and good luck! :D
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I can live with Fat Blasters, but I like the Doberman Pinchers. This is because like Cannon--Doberman was a tv character who battled his weight, we're going to all be doing the Special K pinch, and we're going to be tenacious like the dog.

I weighed myself before sleep because I figured it would let me count those 6 and a half hours towards my challenge goal--that's right as I rest in peaceful slumber I'll be competing like a champion.

My current weight is 450.4 which means I bet I will wake up in the morning at 448 or 449 point something--I had a pretty good weekend. Let's go Fat Blasters!!

Current Weight - No, no, no. Can't post your Sunday-right-before-bedtime-weight.
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Sorry, you must post your weight as of Monday MORNING. Those who are already posting their weight are in different countries so it is morning for them. We all know that you weigh more at night, so that's not exactly playing playing fairly. ;)
Morning guys!
It's 6:50 am and I weighed in at 215 this morning - Whoo Hoooo!! Go team GO!!!
LOL doh OK---I got my competitive juices flowing a bit there my current Monday morning weight prior to my walk was 449.1. Curses foiled again.
Hey everyone! I'm trying to keep up, I swear! In case I miss it, let me know if someone doesn't check in today. I have a late arrival that I want to slip in somewhere. Thanks! Are y'all blasting away that fat yet? ;)
Okay yall, I weighed myself today, and I was shocked! I weigh 204, not 240! 204 is a lot different that 240 eh? I just assumed I weighed around 240. Man, I really need to change my ticker now! *cheers*

So, 204.
July 10

Hey Team Fat Blasters!!!! :D :D
I love the name and am so glad someone had an idea, as I don't have a creative bone in my body!!!;)
I'm so excited to be on this team and I know we'll rock!!!
So I weighed in this morning at 189.8 To be completely honest, I have to weigh myself 3 - 5 times to make sure the number is correct. My floor isn't even, so the scale goes funny some times. I weigh in until the same number comes up at least twice. But I do wonder if I should be using just the whole number instead of to the point, or perhaps it really doesn't matter. :rolleyes:
I should also mention that unless it's the weekend, I can't get to the site until after at least 4 pm my time, so if you notice I'm a little late with things, that's why.

Von, I have to tell you I think that's just AWSOME!!!!:D My understanding is that you THOUGHT you were 240? Doesn't that just tell you how hard we are on ourselves?!?!:p That's a huge difference!! Good on ya!!!

You're all awsome...stay the course...we're all here for each other!!!!;) :)
Yeah, I thought I was 240 because the last time I weighed myself I was like 232, and that was a long time ago. So I just thought I went up to 240 or higher. But yeah, I'm psyched to find out that I'm 204. My first goal was to get under 200, and that's only 4 pounds! No problem!

Cannon 2006 said:
LOL doh OK---I got my competitive juices flowing a bit there my current Monday morning weight prior to my walk was 449.1. Curses foiled again.

Lol! Thanks Cannon! :D

VonArtiste said:
Okay yall, I weighed myself today, and I was shocked! I weigh 204, not 240! 204 is a lot different that 240 eh? I just assumed I weighed around 240. Man, I really need to change my ticker now! *cheers*

Wow! Good for you! Way to lose a lot of weight in a matter of minutes! Lol! ;)
Hey Fat Blasters!! Dropping by to wish you all luck.

"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places." Unknown
well, I'm continuing with my personal summer challenge and slowly upping my exercise routine. today I've done 20 minutes step while watching tv. you guys?
Hey everyone! I am giving the other member left to check in until early in the morning to check in. I'm afraid I may have created some confusion with some of the newbies by closing the first thread about the challenge. :eek: I've sent her a PM. :D
VonArtiste said:
Okay yall, I weighed myself today, and I was shocked! I weigh 204, not 240! 204 is a lot different that 240 eh? I just assumed I weighed around 240. Man, I really need to change my ticker now! *cheers*

So, 204.

Shhh, you're not supposed to discover this til the last day of the challenge :rolleyes: