fat 17 year old, desperate


New member
hi guys, im a new member. i weigh 72.5 kg and 168 cm tall. im 17 years old, a asian short fat dude and i sincerely wish to lose weight. i wish to weigh bout 60 -62.5 kg in 2 months time. i wish to cut down to below 70 kg by the end of April.

frankly speaking, i hate running/jogging.

im quite weak. i do bout 5 kg bicep curls with the 5 kg dumb bells, sometimes shoulder and triceps. i do a 18 kg bench press everyday at home, the long bar thingy. i have no idea why i can do bout 30-40 kg on the machine supported gym chest press, yet so difficult with the 18 kg bar. i try to train my pull ups with a pull up bar and partially inclined, but still failing miserably.

anyone can help me? thanks :D
If you want to achieve your goals you need to get a much more structured routine and stick to it.

Read up on the forum - there are a lot of very useful threads and routines that will be very good for you.

Have a think about what kind of cardio you can tolerate, because you will need cardio if you want to lose that weight.
m quite weak. i do bout 5 kg bicep curls with the 5 kg dumb bells, sometimes shoulder and triceps. i do a 18 kg bench press everyday at home, the long bar thingy. i have no idea why i can do bout 30-40 kg on the machine supported gym chest press, yet so difficult with the 18 kg bar. i try to train my pull ups with a pull up bar and partially inclined, but still failing miserably.

Bicep curls aren't doig anything for you...

as Anita said -spend some time with the stickied threads in the exercise forum -and use that info to put togehter a weight routine that will be effective - AFTER reading those threads - if there's somethig you don't understand -do ask questions...

But sounds like you've got a problem with consistency as well- and that you need to really work on - from conssitency come results...

the second part of the equation is nutrition and this is a bigger factor -what does your diet look like?
is anyone asian? im from singapore. im chinese. lols. anyways,

my diet:

breakfast --> could be coconut rice with fish (nasi lemak), small hawaiin pizza, or just bread with mayonaise and egg.

school recess ----> chicken meat with rice, or noodles with soup

lunch -------> chicken lasagne, chicken meat with rice or noodles with soup

dinner ------> coconut rice with fish (nasi lemak) or at last for the past 2 weeks -_-''

i try to avoid soft drinks,chocolates. i cant really stop eating sweets when my friend offers to me during maths class... EVERYDAY. he sits beside me lol.

help??!!! hahaha.
i cant really stop eating sweets when my friend offers to me during maths class... EVERYDAY. he sits beside me lol.

There's nothing you CANT do when it comes to altering your diet and being consistant, only things you haven't tried yet, and things you're not willing to do...
And i find it hard to believe that you're physically incapable of not stuffing "sweets" into your mouth during math class; however i find it more likely that you're either unwilling to refuse them, and/or have not yet tried to tell your friend that you'd rather not have any.

Eating properly is about consistency and discipline.. if you ONLY have those two things you'll look great in short order.

One thing about your diet I see recurring is Rice and Pasta, which are very high in carbs and calories; try eating a salad or ONLY the recommended amounts of rice and pasta (which is surprisingly small portions; about 1cup of each per meal).

And sorry to sound harsh, but the "i try to avoid soft drinks,chocolates"..
To quote a super-geeky reference: There is no TRY, there is either DO or DO NOT.
You're either eating these things because you are voluntarily putting them into your mouth and eating them... or you are not. (this falls back on the consistancy thing).

Keep reading about healthy eating versus eating crappy foods.. you can eat a lot more of the healthy food than you can crappy food for the same amount of calories.

Start tracking your food with a FitDay.com or a TheDailyPlate.com account in order to find out exactly how many calories each day you're eating.

The only way you'll loose weight is if you Expend more Energy than you consume. Calories IN < Calories OUT.

Your intentions are great!
Keep up the good work, and remember: Its not about working HARDER, its about working SMARTER... ok.. well.. some of it IS about working HARDER.. but thats usually at the gym ;)
hey man, thanks lol. i dont really get the guides. so could u briefly educate me on how i could lose weight?

btw, i dont get the 5 small meals a day > 3-4 large meals. could u explain the metabolism thingy? haha.

i was reading that cardio and weights should not go together. as in, i shouldnt lose weight and carry weights at the same time, it is in total conflict with each other. uh?
btw, i dont get the 5 small meals a day > 3-4 large meals. could u explain the metabolism thingy?

Wasn't my post, but maybe I can clarify.

If you want to keep a roaring fire going, do you dump on a few large logs, or do you add a smaller amount of fuel at regular intervals?

Same principal applies when it comes to your metabolism - keep it stoked by eating smaller, more frequent meals.

i was reading that cardio and weights should not go together. as in, i shouldnt lose weight and carry weights at the same time, it is in total conflict with each other. uh?

Whoever wrote that is a total moron.

You need a combo of both cardio and resistance.

Cardio to "burn" the fat and resistance to maintain as much of your lean mass as possible, because the more lean mass you have, the "faster" your metabolism.
hey man, thanks lol. i dont really get the guides. so could u briefly educate me on how i could lose weight?
the stickied thread in nutrition will give you a general calorie range to shoot for

i was reading that cardio and weights should not go together. as in, i shouldnt lose weight and carry weights at the same time, it is in total conflict with each other. uh?

What you don't want to do is when doing a cardio routine, like walking or running, you do not want to carry weights with you - this throws off the natural alignment of your body and can cause problems for you/

You want to do cardio. You want to use weights - you want to keep those activities seperate.
Oh - that's what they were asking - as in "cardio and weights should not go together".

Good for you.

I didn't read it that way, but I suppose that's what were asking now, that you explain it. :)
Wasn't my post, but maybe I can clarify.

If you want to keep a roaring fire going, do you dump on a few large logs, or do you add a smaller amount of fuel at regular intervals?

Same principal applies when it comes to your metabolism - keep it stoked by eating smaller, more frequent meals.

I'm not so much a fan of that analogy when it comes to meal frequency. Science and empirical evidence doesn't suggest there is a metabolic advantage to more meals opposed to fewer.

Sure, there's the appetite side of things, insulin regulation, etc, etc.....

But in terms of metabolic rate, I don't see much a difference between 3 vs. 6 meals assuming calories and macros are equal.

What it really comes down to, in my mind, is individual preference.
I'm not so much a fan of that analogy when it comes to meal frequency. Science and empirical evidence doesn't suggest there is a metabolic advantage to more meals opposed to fewer.


Of course, you'll find that explanation thrown out as fact all over the internet. On a superficial level, it's a simple way to answer mickxa's question without getting bogged down in detail.

The dude says he wants to lose weight, so if he grazes instead of gorges, chances are he won't pig out as much if he eats more frequent meals.

Of course, a person could go to the extreme and argue The Warrior Diet - skip breakfast, eat your main meal at night - everything in the human body has been programmed for night eating - is the most "natural" diet for man.

But on a more in depth level where the question has been looked at in the lab, the results show no real difference in meal frequency on body weight. Still comes down to total calorie intake..

to wit:

"Several epidemiological studies have observed an inverse relationship between people's habitual frequency of eating and body weight, leading to the suggestion that a 'nibbling' meal pattern may help in the avoidance of obesity... A detailed review of the possible mechanistic explanations for a metabolic advantage of nibbling meal patterns failed to reveal significant benefits in respect of energy expenditure. Although some short-term studies suggest that the thermic effect of feeding is higher when an isoenergetic test load is divided into multiple small meals, other studies refute this, and most are neutral. More importantly, studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly-labelled water to assess total 24 h energy expenditure find no difference between nibbling and gorging. Finally, with the exception of a single study, there is no evidence that weight loss on hypoenergetic regimens is altered by meal frequency. We conclude that any effects of meal pattern on the regulation of body weight are likely to be mediated through effects on the food intake side of the energy balance equation."

Bellisle, F : McDevitt, R : Prentice, A M
Br-J-Nutr. 1997 Apr; 77 Suppl 1S57-70
frankly speaking, i hate running/jogging.

You can find a list of very simple exercises and weight loss tips which you can do everyday to lose weight in this ezine article
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I totally agree that the bottom line is about total calorie intake.

The prevalent logic behind eating smaller meals more often (as opposed to fewer meals less often) is to prevent overeating at any one sitting. Most people will tend to eat too many calories in one sitting which (as you guys already know :) ) triggers the release of insulin (very generally speaking).

I've personally seen a much better response, in terms of weight loss, to an increased frequency of meals (when total calories are monitored).

One thing we should clarify here that the concept of 5 to 6 smaller meals a day is a very different concept from "grazing". I consider grazing to be dangerous ;) - very often calories can't be measured and one can get carried away with the grazing... hahaha
You can find a list of very simple exercises and weight loss tips which you can do everyday to lose weight in this ezine article

hey man, thanks , but i cant access the link...

okay, so bottom line, watch out for diet? its most impt?
lol, sorry for double post. alright i got the article.. uh? interesting bro. haha.

anyways, sorry to bother you guys, but as a Singaporean, i gotta join the army when im 19 (= so i gotta master this sleek metal horizontal bars of torture --> pull ups. the one that stresses your back muscles like mad. how do i go about being even able to exercise such strenous stuff?

i got myself a routine. i hope i'll follow it. hope u guys can comment bout it :D

everyday. cycle 2 km. run/jog/walk 1 km. benchpress 10kg 30 times x 2, should press 10 kg 10 time x 2, inclined push-ups, 12 times x 2, and bicep curls of 4 kg on each hand 20 times x 2. i did it within 1 hour today. i think i can manage it everyday. you guys thinks its okay? its rather light for me..
lol, sorry for double post. alright i got the article.. uh? interesting bro. haha.

anyways, sorry to bother you guys, but as a Singaporean, i gotta join the army when im 19 (= so i gotta master this sleek metal horizontal bars of torture --> pull ups. the one that stresses your back muscles like mad. how do i go about being even able to exercise such strenous stuff?

i got myself a routine. i hope i'll follow it. hope u guys can comment bout it :D

everyday. cycle 2 km. run/jog/walk 1 km. benchpress 10kg 30 times x 2, should press 10 kg 10 time x 2, inclined push-ups, 12 times x 2, and bicep curls of 4 kg on each hand 20 times x 2. i did it within 1 hour today. i think i can manage it everyday. you guys thinks its okay? its rather light for me..

I'd increase the weight and lower the reps..

you need to build more strength, not stamina. Keep in mind pull ups works bi's too.
the more muscle you have on your body, the more calories you will burn in order to just stay alive.
if you burn more calories than you eat, your body eats its own energy stores (FAT)... thats how you loose weight.
how bout i lose weight first? does that mean i should just run? any ideas guys?

it's been proven time and time again that a combination of strength training and cardio burns more fat than just focusing on losing weight. But do whatever makes you happy.