Sport Fasting... final option?

Sport Fitness
First post so be easy... lol

Im 27 and Im 310 pounds. My job as a computer tech is partly to blame for that I guess.

I just joined a gym yesterday. They have all kinds of equipment. I know how to use most of it but I have no idea where to get started. I want to melt this weight and then work on a better looking body.

I have done atkins diet in the past and I did well on it but I didn't stick with it and I gained that weight right back...

I have fasted for 4 days (taking a vitamin and not eating) and I lost weight very quickly... Ive kept that weight off.

Now that I joined a gym... I dont know the proper way I should lose weight and tone up without harming my body.

Suggestions of a good starting point?
I am personally not a fan of fasts or detox diets and do not profess to know all that much about diets in conjunction with training. I do know that a balanced healthy diet will help you to lose weight. A diet with plenty of fruit and vegatables lean meat, cut back on the processed foods and sugary snacks. ALso to stop your body storing food eat smaller portions but more oftain pretty basic stuff really.

Also I think drinking plenty of water helps

I am sure the members here will have much more advice.

First of all, have you seen your doctor?

Just to do a little walking and eating healthfully is okay for anyone, but to do anything major like fasting for serious weight loss, I would recomend you get medical help and treatment.
Fasting is just plain unhealthy. Eat right, and ease into the cardio. You should not be in a mad rush to lose weight as fast as possible. Do it the slow steady, healthy way. If you eat right and excercise regularily, chances are you will make it a habit and it will be permanent. These fast fixes are usually just temporary.

As for eating right and a routine you should follow, thats a whole other story. I suggest you read around these forums a bit more and you will get a good idea of what to do. Mainly smaller meals throughout the day to increase metabolism and hit the gym regularily. As for the routine and how long/days, just read around you will get a good idea. Make a well thought out routine and follow through with it and you will get achieve your goal. Always ask if unsure.

Good luck