Here's some food for thought for the next time you crave McD's!!
A Big Mac® and large fries are about 1160 calories.
It takes about 20 steps to burn one calorie - so it will take around 23,200 steps just to walk it off!
At about 2000 steps per mile you will have to walk just over 11 miles for 4 or 5 hours.
Here's to your health - skip the Big Mac® and fries and try a healthy alternative - like a turkey burger.
But they taste so damn good!!!
A Big Mac® and large fries are about 1160 calories.
It takes about 20 steps to burn one calorie - so it will take around 23,200 steps just to walk it off!
At about 2000 steps per mile you will have to walk just over 11 miles for 4 or 5 hours.
Here's to your health - skip the Big Mac® and fries and try a healthy alternative - like a turkey burger.
But they taste so damn good!!!