Sport farting...

Sport Fitness
didnt know what other section this could go under, maybe mens health :rolleyes: but, i just want to know, what cause me to fart? i fart like mad. is it bad to farT? i doubt its bad to fart, but what i mean, is farting a signal of something bad happening? usually when i eat lots of food, i blast em every 5 minutes. well, i just want to know what causes me to fart.
Diet is the main cause. If you eat a lot of red meats, that could do it to some people, dairy does it to others. Certain supplements will cause it too. Beer does it. It's not bad though.
ah, i ate some brisket, alot of brisket...was good too. off the grill..mmm i wish i could have some more right now, but i cant, ate too much. way too much, stuffed to compaction with beans, cottage cheese, and potato salad.

oh, but i really wanted to know, why does what i eat make me fart? how do i get gas? like maybe a scientific basis :eek: or something along those lines.

boy, you must be rough on your workout partners (lol).

Beside diet, You might also have some type of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or spastic colitis. These are stress conditions and the symptoms are bloating, gas and loose stools, especially with 20 minutes of eating. Coffee could also be a cause.

If it keeps on I would see a doctor.
gas comes from when the hydrochloric acid in your stomach chemically reacts with the food you eat and a biproduct is prodced :)
pssh are you kidding, see a doctor? ive farted since my mom popped me out. i notice i have more gas on days when im more active. aerobic wise.
I actually just read an article in Men's Muscle & Fitness or some other similar magazine about "protein farts." It said it's normal to have lots of smelly gas when you eat a lot of protein (as most of us do).
I too have noticed that things can get pretty stinky when eating a lot of's not really an issue though, except for at work [I sit in a small cubicle]. :(
lol thats got to be brutal. i hate the ones that slip out when i dont even feel it. then i just smells so terrible.
Sometimes its a little tough for me to handle, but not that bad really. It's a little embarassing when someone stops by to say hello at an inopportune time though... the faces people make... :eek:
and you cant hold them in either, cause if you do, stomach cramps are just brutal. the releif of letting it all go is good though :eek: :) also good to know i can talk about farts with a fellow farter. :rolleyes:
Savage said:
Sometimes its a little tough for me to handle, but not that bad really. It's a little embarassing when someone stops by to say hello at an inopportune time though... the faces people make... :eek:

You know it's bad when YOU think it stinks!


You guys are cracking me up with this topic. I dunno why, but farts make me laugh. On that note, I have a 130 lb. Lab and when he farts he clears the room (literally)!


yeah, dog farts are the worst ever. the absolute worst ever. and when i stare my dog down for farting, she looks so innocent like she doesnt know what she did. :rolleyes:
my poor little kitty cat sleeps on a pillow next to my head and the past few weeks he's had awful gas..... soooooo gross... right next to my face...
This is the funniest post I have read so far.... I am cracking up here...

On a serious not, I notice this gaseous activity when I drink replacement meals... must be the protein ....
just out of interest, next time you're farting a lot (by the sounds of things that won't be too far into the future ;) ), take note of what you have eaten that day and let me know, i'm curious :)
for the whole day, these are the different things i ate, and i was blasting em out yesterday, lol. cashews, apples, brisket, tuna, chicken, beans, cottage cheese, milk...oh yeah steak too. oh yeah and 1 potato. dam brisket is tough as hell to chew. must of been the reason it was so cheap, but yeah, there ya go. mad protein. was yseterday
Most of what you ate will cause farting.

Side note: Brisket as with other beef cuts have to be cooked differently to prevent chewyness.