Farm Fresh, Cage Free Eggs (Plus Omega 3)

I eat a lot of eggs, and I also love birds, so about four months ago, I decided that It would be a great idea to buy myself some chickens. I would have a bunch of really great pet birds, plus the bonus of getting farm fresh eggs right from my back yard. Well, it's been four months, and they could be laying eggs any day now. I thought I'd share some pictures of my little chickies to show how much they've grown.

Here's when they were just 2 weeks old. We had just bought them.

Isn't this one adorable?

Just two weeks later:

3 weeks after that at 7 weeks old:

And here they are today at 17 weeks old:

Aren't they cute?

Once they start laying, I'm going to feed them flax seed so they can make some nice healthy, farm fresh, cage free, omega 3 eggs.
Yes, they sure are!

I love birds too.

Now.......I know where your getting your pics from.......LOL

Revving up your post count.........>I am the one that gets blamed for that......quit taking my------place.........LOL! :)
Oh, I thought I'd clear stuff up. The chicken in my avatar isn't one of mine (although I wish it were). I typed "health hen" into google images and it was the first hit. It was from an article about the bird flu. I thought it was cute.

But yes the ones you see in the pictures above are mine. I have 10 of them and I love every one of them! :), now......Be Spice..... :)

Thats all good.......spice..thanks for clearing that up.
Sorry, but my chickens probably wouldn't taste very good. They're very lean and have very little meat on their bones. They're made for laying eggs. The broilers that you buy in the store are fattened up really quickly and are slaughtered at 6-8 weeks of age. Mine are seniors at 17 weeks, and nowhere near as large. Their eggs will be delicious though.

And, even though I have pet chickens, I still eat chicken. I would never be able to eat one of my own though. I raised them since they were babies.
I have an update on the chickens. They're about 20 weeks old and still no eggs. We just built some nesting boxes for them and they have no idea what they're for. I'm tired of eating store bought eggs and I really want them to start laying.

I've been weighing them every few days and the heaviest one weighs 4.4 lbs. It's a barred plymouth rock (one of the black and white ones). They're supposed to be around 8 lbs once they are full grown.

I'll post some more pictures once the first egg shows up.

We got our first egg today! My mom called me while I was working to tell me that she found an egg in the chicken pen. She said she heard them making all sorts of weird noises and she went out to see what was going on and one had laid an egg on the ground. We're not sure which one did it, but the egg was light brown so it was probably from one of the Barred Plymouth Rocks (the black and white kind).

I'm going to post some pictures of the egg and some new pictures of the chickens!

I'm so excited!
Inspired EGGS--------->:) (you know what Im talking about--:) )

Two MINDS removes the BLINDS

The Spicy Heath Hen is now REFINED by revealing an egg to MANKIND and more will be left BEHIND.

SMILE for a WHILE as the wait was WORTHWHILE
