extremely lightheaded after 5k practice run

I'm not a runner really, I mostly do cycling.
I'm training for a 5k in a coupls months and I figured I should start running a little bit to get ready. Its for charity and I don't plan on winning, just finishing.
Today I hit the gym and ran 3.1 miles with 10 minute miles...I'm not very fast off the bike but I was doing my best and felt okay.
However, as soon as I stepped off the tredmil I felt like I was going to pass out, I was dizzy and it took about 15 minutes to regain a normal feeling.
Is this normal at all?
I weight 100 lbs and I'm really short - I'm not overwieght or dangerously thin, either. I ate a good breakfast (peanut butter toast and OJ) about 45 mins before running and I was well hydrated throught the run.
I've rode my bike in time trials much harder and longer and I've never felt dizzy or anything after.
Can anyone tell me whats up or if I should see a doctor? Could be I'm overreacting, I feel fine now, but I'd like to know. Thanks :)
Same problem :)

From what I know it might be due to a couple of reasons. One is Because you're working too hard or too fast in your fitness routine. Another is lack of water.

If it's the second problem, then you have to drink before, during and after the workout because your body loses the water weight while you exercise, and if you don't drink it will lead to dehydration.

This is just a theory though, from personal knowledge. :) I do have the same problem because my water bottle is huge and I don't like lugging it around during runs, so I get dehydrated even if I drink lots before the run /:
Adding to the above, I would also check your blood pressure. Many people with hypotension will experience light-headedness during exercise.