Extreme Tren, Eqjet, M-Drol?

Are these supplements any good? Dangerous? I know they are not technically steroids but natural anabolic stimulators... just the thought of messing my body's natural PCT up by pumping more testerone derived compounds/supplements into it makes me hesitant.. The reviews seem really good though and people are noticing better gains. This guy at the gym told me to try Extreme Tren but said he competes for some sport and isn't allowed to take it.. hmm.
Wow, everyone seems to be talking about masterdrol recently. From what I’ve read it is an oral steroid, it just hasn’t been made illegal yet so they call it a pro-hormone. You’ll still need to get a PCT in place before considering it, but before then you need to consider whether you want to be taking anything that will lower your natural test levels.
Do some reading on the stuff first, marketers are bastards and as it’s legal they’ll only tell you that it’ll give you great results but not the side effects leaving people to assume that as they’re legal they must be safe.