
ever watch exposed on MTV?

pretty much the dumbest most acted out show I've ever seen. Generally the idea is a guy/girl and his friend (of the same gender) are trying to hook one of them up with a date. He interviews 2 girls. The girls know they are being filmed, but don't know that the microphones have voice sensors to tell if they are lying or not. So the guy not ogin on the date, is in a van, and can see if people are lying, and he tlels his friend (who has an earphone)

One episode, the guy in the van says "dude, tell her you like girls with small boobs, and ask if she'll ever get a breast reduction for you"
the guy on the date asks and the girl responds "no, I wouldn't. I bought these, I really like them and I'd be really bummed out if you didnt"
Made my day.

Next one, it's a girl asking the questions this time, she asks a guy "so are you an intellectual?"
he says "yeah! I'm really into politics and literature and stuff"
she asks "who's the vice president?"
he says ".... *long pause* I happen to forget at this moment"
I hate MTV. I can't believe how it's such a large influence on our culture, because it's so stupid...but then I think of the people who like that **** and my heart just sinks.
I didn't think anyone actually watched MTV except for me. And I only watch it because of this one show which is absolutely hilarious.

I hope you aren't supposed to act like that on dates, because I'll never get married if that's the case....
That second guy is an idiot. If he didn't know the answer he should have come up with a smart ass answer like "A dick" Instead of "IDK". From there he could have swiftly changed the subject and she would likely have not thought a thing.

MTV pisses me off, if their name is MUSIC TELEVISION. Then they should actually play MUSIC like they used to. Of course, even when they do now days (which is very rare) it flat out sucks!
i'm watching this one, and now the guy just tkaes the two girls out and says "I think I'll loosen up a bit," and just takes all his clothes off, and one girl joins in. They met eachother 5 minute ago and they're pretty much just outside in the open. I hope this isn't standard behavior.
I haven't watched MTV in years. Doesn't sound like I'm missing too much either.

Hey, does anyone else remember Headbanger's Ball? Other than that, never did like it too much.
another one just now.
the guy that monitors tthe speech is talking with the girl that isnt' chosen as the date at the end.
"sorry, looks like you lost"
"it's okay, you're cuter anyway"
and they start making out.

I hope this screwed up representation isn't the accepted way of meeting people because seriously, I'm never getting married or even getting a date after I leave school.
what channel was that show "boiling points" on? that was a good show. was it on MTV?
and was "andy milonakis" on MTV? i like that kind of random silly humor :D
now please excuse me, i gots to get my tree fed
LMAO the girl says "sometimes I wish i was ugly, so I woudlnt' actually have to try during sex"
the guy just looks at her thinking "wtf..." and the truth meter says confused
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i actually have a TV built into my computer, so I'm using the mouse.

no exercise for me.

man alot of these girls are kinda ugly, and are wearing really small clothing. I'm not trying to make fun of unnattractive people (I'm not all that attractive myself) or overweight people, but seriously, there's no need to flaunt the flab...
Hardly. As you watch MTV, the neural connections that you need in order to contract muscle shrivel away. Scientists have found that the conversion is for every minute you watch MTV, your ability to contract muscle decreases by 0.04%. So at the end of a 30 minute show (commercials on MTV are stupid as well, some so much so that they increase the decomposition of motor units by a significant factor, but they are variable) you've lost 1.2% of your strength. With regular watching, you can become weak as a baby within a month.
that explains my diminshing gains lately.