
Hi all,

I'm new to the site and was hoping you experienced boys and girls can give me a few pointers:

I'm 6'5", 217lbs. I'm a slim build and don't have much fat apart from a bit of a beer belly.

I weight train Mon Wed Fri, and swim 1.4km on Tues and Thurs.

Mon i do upper body, Wed legs and upper back, Fri upper body and abs.

1. Is this over training????

2. Is my weight regime okay?

3. How quick can I expect to gain weight (muscle).

I train in reps of 12-10-8 increasing until I by the end I sometimes only manage 7.

How long will it take me to get looking like a big guy (width wise).

Is there much noticeable difference over 1 year?????

I have noticeably grown over the past 2 month since I started. Will this continue. I am also supplementing with creatine, which I'm not sure how well it works.

Any advice on getting big and nicely cut up will be much appreciated.
WOW, your tall :), ok um i think you need more work out on you legs and lower back .. try
mon - upper body
wed- legs/lower back, ABS
Fri- upper body with upper back included
no i dont think you will be overdoing it because you have sufficient rest time...
its hard to tell how quickly you will gain but definatly should notice a difference in a year, your progress should continue however you may fall into a plateau and just keep reassuring your self as it is very hard to get out of one :)
creatine i have only heard good things about just make sure you use it as recomended , i dont know too much about the stuff but heard it works good :)
um also make sure you eat accordingly ... im not sure on how much but maybe someone else can give you an idea .. well good luck
hope i helped a bit
best way for abs

thanks for the reply,

could you also tell me the best way to do my abs.

I heard that sit ups can be bad for your back.

pls bear in mind that I only have a bench at home.

thanks again
Hi carl.

Thats a really good source of information on creatine.

As for ab excercises, conventional sit ups can be bad for your back - crunches are better, where you essentially lift the upper part of your torso by contracting the abdominal muscles but, not your entire torso. Try leg-raises at the same time to work the lower abs.

I've heard that weighted crunches are better for abdominal size but, I've only just started doing them so, its too early to tell. Plus, I still have plenty of fat to shift out of the way before I can see them! ;)

Welcome to the board and good luck
yeah crunches, leg raises all good, dont forget about the obliques either try this site they seem quite simple so you might want to change but i think there a good start just remember that your back should stay on the floor at all times and keep your stomach tucked in ... good luck:)