Exercising when you have a cold


New member
I did something a little stupid, in my opinion, yesterday, wanted to get some thoughts and feedback.
I train 6 days a week and am very fit and healthy. (3 yoga sessions, 3 sessions of cardio/weights) Unfortunately my kids give me colds all the time, most of which just involve a stuffy nose and feeling a bit weak, nothing serious. So I still do my workouts, without too much hassle, would you believe.
However yesterday, I had a fever, and I felt like hell. I took 2 Panadols and went to a hot yoga class, the room was 38 degrees.
Yeah, I know, irresponsible and stupid.
However.....during the class I felt great and afterwards so much better. Today I am so-so, but no more fever.
So, the question is, is doing hot yoga a good idea for people with a fever? It made me feel better....or was that just coincidence? My instincts say I should never do this again, but the reality was, it didnt' harm me.
Also, for all you exercise-addicts out there, do you ever train when you have colds? Do you just drop the instensity and plod on? I try to exercise myself out of illness and it usually works but I am interested to know how other people handle it, particularly women during heavy and painful menstrual cycles. I find weight training hell during my period, for example, but i still do it.
Looking forward to responses.
I don't know if it is harmful or not but my husband always goes for a run when he has a fever and whereas I'll be 2 or 3 days in bed with the same illness he will be better in a matter of hours.
I'm thinking it wasn't that stupid. :) As long as you're not dehydrated, the heat probably helped break your fever. I would say trust your body .. you obviously have a pretty good grip on how your body reacts (a lot of people don't) and so just let that be your guide.
I'm thinking it wasn't that stupid. :) As long as you're not dehydrated, the heat probably helped break your fever. I would say trust your body .. you obviously have a pretty good grip on how your body reacts (a lot of people don't) and so just let that be your guide.

Oh thanks that made me feel better.....yeah, I agree, we should listen to our bodies as much as possible. Thanks!
listen to your body

I agree with listening to what your body is saying. after a good exercise workout,I hop into a nice hot bath,and then jump into bed to keep warm. Then I drink lemon juiice and orange juice. I recommend drinking much vitamin c.
You probably 'sweated out' the fever haha