Exercises to get rid of back fat and


New member
Also, how can I make my skin tighter?
I'm 18, weighing 215Ibs (BMI is 35), and I already have that gross flabby skin and unnessisary amount of backfat.
The flabby skin is mainly under the arms, but I have no clue how to get rid of it??
I've tried Cocoa butter before, but that helped none.
Any advise for both questions would be highly appreciated.
Thank you :]​
your young, your skin should tighten up on it's own as you slowly loose the fat but you should be doing some form of strength training to maintain muscle while your loosing the fat which will keep your metabolism up and make things look better in the long run.

If you don't have access to a gym or equipment, strength training can be as simple as a full body bodyweight routine 3 days per week.
Hey, thanks for replying.
My skin does not tighten up on its own.
I'm not too sure why, but it doesn't.
I do have access to a gym, but nothing ever works my back.
No matter what I do, it works my arms more than anything and I never get a chance to work anything else.
you cannnot spot reduce. meaning, you cannot do an exercise to reduce fat in a specific area. you must burn calories for your overall body and the fat on your back will get burned also. The back fat should go before the other areas since the body is not typically used to storing fat in the back.

good luck!
Alright, so that leaves me with one question..
If I lift weights, will that make my arm skin tighter, or just put muscle under the flab?
(of course continuing on with my diet, too)