Exercises for people with HLA B 27


New member
Hello there,

I would like people here to suggest me some safe and effective exercises for HLA B27. I am not very sure if I am HLA B27 positive, however I do show symptoms like a sprain prone body, and quick stiffness in the shoulders and neck region during periods of inactivity, especially during winters. I think my back is slightly weak as well, I tend to get anterior posterior tilt if there is a weight gain in my tummy region. My posture isnt very correct or good either. I slouch rather often and have a hunched back.

I have also observed that the muscles in my waste area are prone to experience inflammation after exercise, even Yoga.

I really want someone to suggest me and others with HLA B27 some exercises that will help them reduce weight and at the same time not sprain or hurt their bones and muscles. Recently while doing Yoga, I sprained my back muscle.

Additional information : I am 18, female, Indian. My father has a strong HLA B27 and my eldest sister inherited it. Chances are that I have it too, mentioning the symptoms. I have a natural tendency to put on weight, though not too much. I am 5 and a quarter inches and weigh about 58-60 kgs. Its higher than what the BMI for my height should be. I have a squarish built, and I think my bone weight is high too because even when I was slim/fit, i used to be heavy.
I suggest swimming and cycling..