Sport Exercise when on low cholesterol diet

Sport Fitness
I have just been told by my doctor that i have high levels of cholesterol and i have to go on a special diet for 3 months (no dairy or red meat).
Cutting out all the fat from my diet has left me wondering whether I am going to be getting enough fuel to drive my exercise training.

I use my indoor spin bike every night - 10km per night.

Has anyone any ideas, as to what foods i should be eating more of to help with the energy needed ?


Suck on some gel packs or carb load. Carbs are your fuel in a 10km spin ;)
Low-GI carbs during the day before the workout, some high GI carbs immediately after workout, protein after workout, the usual.

If your blood LDL cholesterol levels are high, avoid hydrogenated oils, and limit saturated fat (found heavily in beef fat, dairy fat, and coconut and palm oils). However, unsaturated fat (non-hydrogenated vegetable oils (but not coconut or palm oil) and fat from fish) may be helpful.
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Avoid fats on a low cholesterol diet? :confused4:

Unsaturated fats are your best friend. You probably need to raise your HDL as well as lower your LDL.

My overall cholesterol was 240 when I started it is now 167 with no meds. I eat meat at just about every meal. While I have cut back dramatically on red meat I eat a ton of chicken, fish, turkey etc.

Start taking fish oil supplements, flax, eat lots of fresh garlic clove and onions.

I would think avoiding fats would be a mistake. But I'm also not a doctor.

As far as exercise goes I would say you should come up with a good weight training plan to supplement that cardio. I do 3 days of weights with 3 days of cardio. I've recently increased my cardio and started running. You're going to get plenty of energy from all the fruits and veggies you should be eating.
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Thanks for the advice guys.

I should have mentioned - yes i am not avoiding ALL fats - just the saturated and trans fats.

My main predicament is that i am quite underweight/skinny anyway, and with going on the diet as well as keeping up the exercise, I am afraid i will lose weight i cannot afford to lose (no more cakes for me :( )

I will try some of your hints above.


If you want to avoid losing weight, there are plenty of calorie-dense foods that do not have trans-fats or large amounts of saturated fats. For example, nuts, fatty fish, avocados, dried fruit.

Also, if you are just trying to avoid saturated fat and trans fat, skim milk dairy products avoid it, and lean cuts of meat avoid nearly all of it (for example, compare Canadian or back bacon to regular bacon).
Thanks for the advice guys.

I should have mentioned - yes i am not avoiding ALL fats - just the saturated and trans fats.

My main predicament is that i am quite underweight/skinny anyway, and with going on the diet as well as keeping up the exercise, I am afraid i will lose weight i cannot afford to lose (no more cakes for me :( )

I will try some of your hints above.



Create a caloric surplus and make sure all of it are good healthy choices.
You'll probably be eating all the time but as long as you keep it clean you'll be ok. I'm the opposite I was about 40lbs over weight.
Dear I don't have much knowledge about of this matter.That's why
I would like to suggest you have to taken advice with your personal doctor about of this matter.Because your doctor will prescribe you what kind of food you have taken to increase your energy without increasing cholesterol level in your body.