exercise like crazy to no avail


New member
Hi everyone.
I'm totally new to this.
I am an exercise freak.
I have been working out for at least 5 years religiously to the point where I never miss a work out or feel incredibly guilty if I do. A few years ago I started drastically cutting my calories and exercising less intensely and lost a whole bunch of weight... only to watch it creep back up eventually. I continuously do a lot of cardio and never seem to lose weight unless I slash all calories and eat basically nothing. Does anyone have advice?
Hmmm what kind of cardio/exercise are you doing? And what are you eating? More info please! :)
I've had this problem too. I actually do like to exercise but I still am not at my goal weight after 5 years also (although I did have a my third baby in that time). I know my biggest problem was that I was eating more than I should and not the right kind of foods. When I do watch what I eat and keep exercising, I do see results but then unfortunately I always seem to go back to my old ways :(

My advice to you (this is what I have been doing as of lately cause I'm more determined than ever to finally reach my goals) is to start eating the right foods, such as lean meats, fruits/veggies and whole grains and make sure you are getting enough water everday .. At a weight watchers meeting I went to once, the speaker was a man who had lost over 200lbs and he said soemthing that really stuck - it was that water is a "magic elixer" for weightloss and not only that but it's good for your health and we all know that. I do find that when I'm drinking the right amount of water (and everyone needs to drink different amounts according to body weight), that I feel better, I don't have as many cravings and I seem to have more energy .. which is perfect for someone who exercises regularly.
... Also try changing your workout a bit .. try a different cardio machine for awhile and also try to increase your weight or your reps when you are weightraining. These are things that I have been trying to do as well and I am finally seeing some results .. hopefully this time I can stick with it:rolleyes: