Exercise Equipment...


New member
So what kind of exercise equipment does everyone have at home???

I have a Gazelle and an Exercise Ball...

I want more, but instead I just go to the gym and use theirs :)
Ok im just trying to build my home gym up :rolleyes:
So far I have an exercise bike, a home gym thing it’s like weights but its bands??? And a thing that you stand on and walk sort of kind of :confused: ………….. Come on guys don’t laugh im new to this exercise thing :p , oh and im getting a rower tomorrow. :D
lots of weights, barbells, dumbells, a home gym which I barely use lol, stationary bike, treadmill, excercise ball, a bench press thing.
I wish I would not have spent 500 bucks on a home gym when I can do almost all my lifting with free weights.
And I belong to the Y because I don't have a squat rack
I have a treadmill at home but do not use it.. hubby does.... I go to the gym and use the elliptical as well as the fitness circuit they have set up there as well as all the other weight equipment.
The elliptical is my favorite cardio machine. I'm not to fond of the treadmill (i don't like to hear my feet hit the treadmill...I'm weird like that) and the bike doesn't burn very many calories.
I have a
Precor elliptical machine
Rack of dumbells (3,5,8.. haha very small weight I know..)
1 of those big exercise ball things
Skipping Rope (I doubt that counts.. but oh well)
Pilates mat and Winsor Pilates videos

I too belong to the Y for the treadmills and better ellipticals, and other stuff.
i dont go to the gym or the y. all i got is a bunch of free weights and my treadmill. and i dont hear my feet pounding cuz i always got my mp3 player on when im doing the treadmill. :p hope to be getting a stationary bike soon. but space is a major issue here, i dont have room for anything else!
Well if you can't afford to go to the Y and you want to they can help you out somehow to be able to go. Treadmills are cooler than bikes anyways, and they burn more calories lol. Nymphetamine you gotta be rich, at the Y i go to they have Precor machines and they nice. I can't run on the treadmill where I live because its in a basement and I'm too tall to stand on it lol(head hits the ceiling).
well keep in mind I still live with my parents, and it's their machine.. it's pretty nice. But the ones at my YMCA are a lot nicer. So I prefer those.
There a quite a few people on here that go to they Y. So do I!

Mine got some new treadmills and crosstrainers...did anyone else's?
I have an eliptical, a total gym, free weights, body ball with resistance bands, and a ton of workout videos. I like to workout at home, not a big fan of sweeating through my clothes in front of a lot of strangers!
God my gym is horribly packed! 3 years ago when they first opened it was so nice and spacious, now everyone comes and now they shove so many machines in one room. But it's the closest gym to me, and the Gold's Gym closed, so i'm really sad. But thats ok I guess.
I have a weight bench and some free weights. Just got some ankle and wrist weights which I been using while cleaning or whatever.

Just joined a gym...they're equipment is much nicer then anything I have at home.
chunky_soup said:
What is the plus about wearing ankle and wrist weights?

Well hopefully it's making arm and leg muscles work a little bit more (albeit a "little bit" may be the key word there)

But I've also been trying to be very active at home lately. If I rent a movie or watch a sporting event on TV in the evenings, I'll walk almost constantlay back and forth across the living room rather then sitting on the couch. And use the ankle weights and wrist weights while doing this...

It may or may not actually be very beneficial, I've only been doing it about a week. But my arms and legs definetely FEEL like they've been worked harder afterwards then they did without using the extra weight...