Weight-Loss Exercise Challenge starting Jan. 14 - Feb.14

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New member
This was Kaities suggestion to walk from...

Hell Michigan to Sweetheart City Wisconsin....it's about 505 miles.

Challenege will begin Jan.14 and go till Feb.14 or until we get to our goal of 505 miles...Lets see if we can do this in a month...

30 mins of exercise will equal 1 mile...for every 30 mins of exercise you will post 1 mile...So 60 mins of exercise = to 2 miles...

If you have a machine that counts miles for you, use that amount

Post your progress daily as you exercise...

Example of entry...60 mins = 2 miles

I will repost this on Jan.14...and I will update it every week...

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Im all in . sounds like good motivation
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Ok, yay!! I may not be by everyday, bc at school classes are changing and I wont have access to a computer everyday, but I will definetely keep track of it and post!! :D

Yeah I asked over there -----> but my 4 miles of biking in 20 mins will
basically only count for 1 mile? Whatever I am still in I love it! Tammy:)
Yeah I asked over there -----> but my 4 miles of biking in 20 mins will
basically only count for 1 mile? Whatever I am still in I love it! Tammy:)

You will just have to step it up girl...push that 20 into 30 mins...Im almost matching your food and I am exercising much more...we are gonns do this...:D:D:D

Or after that 20 mins add somethign else for a bit but your crunches will counts as well cuz as a whole it is 30mins right ???
Okay, not to be a sour puss... but in order to do that you would have to exercise like 7.8 hours a day lol....

It is just a loose goal and as a challenege starts more ppl join in , it is just and incentive to get us exercising more and daily, it is something i need for motivation and something I like...

and you are being a sour puss...a challenege is exciting and just htat a challenege , LOL *Raspberries*

Push yourself to exercise as much as you can, test your limits...LOL
<~~I think that if the bike says u did 6 miles, it should count as six miles added to the total. My idea would be like pushups situps and stuff for 30 minutes would be one mile, but if u have a machine that counts miles for you, use that amount, if thats ok with cinderelly :) Just my input though.

You will just have to step it up girl...push that 20 into 30 mins...Im almost matching your food and I am exercising much more...we are gonns do this...:D:D:D

Or after that 20 mins add somethign else for a bit but your crunches will counts as well cuz as a whole it is 30mins right ???

OK gotcha I actually do do(lol doodoo)100 crunches and some
arm weights afterwards) I have actually been walking and it is dipping
down into the teens tonight :eek: !
Congrats on the calories I saw that it works tho ;)
<~~I think that if the bike says u did 6 miles, it should count as six miles added to the total. My idea would be like pushups situps and stuff for 30 minutes would be one mile, but if u have a machine that counts miles for you, use that amount, if thats ok with cinderelly :) Just my input though.


Okay, you see I have never had a machine that counts my miles but now I do...that is a good suggestion Emily...lets do that then...

So how would I word that just as you did...
Ok, I didnt mean to sound mean if I did! I promise :)

Ok I editted the top...30 mins of exercise equals 0ne mile unless it is done on a machine that counts the miles...then you add the miles the machine says...

I wsa actually thinkin abt that after i responded to Tammy...this is kinda complicated and my first challenge...

Ya sorry, Im tired and such...:p:p:p and wasnt thinking plus remeber I jsut got the Elliptical that shows me miles so before i could only convert 30 mins to a mile...now I can use the miles I have worked...
yay! Sounds great to me, wow, we have posted alot in this thread already huh? lol

Heeheehee...ya and thanx , at first I thought this was a dumb idea but I liked doing challeneges liket his and it was your challenege that offered this...and it really steps me up into high gear and motivates me to exercise my butt off!!!

Welcome back by the way...I need to start visiting your diary!!!
We have a water challange a weighloss challange
which you have to eat healthy and now an exersice
challange which all 3 of these things you need to lose
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