Exercise bike - butt going numb

A little over a year ago I bought an exercise bike. This one:

I realize it is a cheap bike but I couldn't afford anything better. I have been using it 5 days a week since last January, started at only 10 minutes and worked up to an hour and now i am riding level 2 30 minutes level one 30 minutes non stop. I lost 53 pounds since I started. I now have a new problem. After the first 30 minutes, my butt goes numb. This didn't happen until recently, after losing the weight. I have the bike adjusted as close as possible, (I am short, 5 feet 1 inch tall, I have to put a pillow behind me and wear shoes) I have tried adding pillows, but nothing seems to stop my butt from going numb, and now it is sore throughout the day.

I live in Colorado, and it is often cold and icy outside which is why I got the exercise bike instead of riding a regular bike. Also I enjoy watching a tv show while I ride. Does anyone know what I can do to stop my butt going numb while I ride?
I don't know how practical this is because I don't know if the saddle is removable.
Go to a decent cycle shop and find a saddle that suits you.
Bigger saddles, created by adding pillows, are rarely the answer because they change your movement forcing you to trap one buttock at a time.
The size and shape of saddle will be totally personal so try a few on different bikes then choose.
That's awkward. There would need to be something to make that saddle work better for you. It will need to be supportive though not soft as with most pillows.
Okay i will think on that. I put two pillows behind my back last night which made me not lean back as much and that seemed to help a little. I think being short is one of the factors, because it puts my bottom half at an angle that puts pressure on my tailbone if I lean back too far.
I ended up buying one of those inflatable donut things you can sit on that they give people after surgery who are temporarily wheel chair bound. It has solved the problem, no more numbness when I sit on it while I ride. That and 2 pillows behind my back.
That normally happens in biking its kinda natural,You don't really have to be worried about it.The bike you have chosen is pretty appropriate i mean in terms of its pricing and when it comes to the use.You better stick to it rather than losing any sort of effort you are doing or your hope.Like you are getting benefits from it what else do you need.Amazon don't really offer inappropriate things.