Exercise bike advice needed please?

Hi Guys

Just came across this community whilst searching for info on exercise bikes. After just breaking an old Air Walker (don't laugh) I've been using for the past two months. I've decided to purchase an exercise bike.

I live in the UK and have a budget of around $320.00/£170.00. I've been looking around on ebay and I found a couple of bikes I would appreciate opinions on please?

There are slightly cheaper versions of the second bike that do not have the extra features such as bmr, bmi ,body type and fat percentage. Is it worth paying a bit extra for these features? Or are both these bikes complete rubbish?

Thanks for any guidance offered

Hi there.

I've been using an exercycle for about 2 years now and along with weight training it's a great piece of equipment.

I can't comment on any current models, but all I can say is you really need to try before you buy. Every exercycle in the price range that you a looking at will feel different and some might be just damn uncomfortable!

The only feature that I would recommend having is the heart rate monitor as this is great when you are trying to maintain a certain intensity.

I hope this helps! :)
See if you can find a Schwinn AirDyne on ebay. Usually about 200-300 US. They last forever and give as good a workout as you are willing to put into it. I just found this on the UK ebay. Don't know if it is close to you.
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