Sport Excess B-Vitamins

Sport Fitness
As I understand, B-vitamins are water-soluble and therefore you pee out anything over 100% of the RDA.

So my question is, why would something like 5-hour energy have 8,000% and 6,000% of some B-vitamins (I forget exactly which ones)?

Maybe they think that consumers see that number and it's so high that it has a placebo effect b/c they think they're getting an insane amount of certain ingredients?

Or am I wrong on my first assumption about peeing out anything over 100% RDA?

Thanks for any help.
You don't automatically pee out anything over the RDA. The RDA is the recommended amount, not the maximum amount that your body can intake.

That being said, your body doesn't absorb all the vitamins it intakes at once, and B vitamins are easier to become urinated out. However, hyperdosing on vitamins on a regular basis can still have a toxic effect, as you can also only excrete so much of the excess. I believe that many B vitamins can cause renal and nerve conditions if overdosed on too often.