Excerise and weird results..


New member
Hi All! I am new to this forum but certainly not to weight loss as I've been trying to lose weight since April! I have been somewhat successful as I've gone from 260 Pounds to 230. I want really exercising alot, just watching what I eat. However, since the middle of august till now, I've noticed that the fat around my belly has been alot more 'jelly' like and its changed shape. It used to be round and now its an oval shape. I'm not sure what's going on but does this sound normal to you guys and gals??

Thank you!!!
I think that its just that we all reserve body fat differently in different places. The places where we store most of it are the last places to finally give it up. I hit my target weight of 145 pounds a couple of months ago, but I am still trying to lose that last residual fat - its going, but oh so slowly. I'm going to continue strength training and jogging, but if it not all gone by the New Year, then I might try cutting calories again.
Cool...didn't really answer my question but good story!!:D

I would say it is absolutely normal - the transformation with the fat around your belly:) . You have lost a lot of weight and so you, literally, can see your fat dissapiering before your eyes, shrinking in size.I would say your fat has changed in shape because you scared the crap out of it:p . Cardiologists say, that the most dangerous fat is the fat that we store around our waist because it feeds liver. Also, if your waist line is bigger than 34 inch. your risk of heart attack is 70% higher!!! Having all that said I would be very happy with any shape of my fat (oval, round, square, whatever) as long as I would be loosing weight and watching my body transform. I am, sort of, going through the same thing with my butt. I can't recognize it any more.:p :D
P.S. Congratulations on your amazing results!:) Keep going!:)
I think I read somewhere that as you lose weight, fat will become alot more jelly-like.
Can't remember why though. Maybe b/c it's breaking up or something and shrinking. *shrugs*
Yeah, definitely, I'm starting to feel bones all over my body, hips, chest, back, its amazing..I can feel the bones!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: Is this a good sign:confused: