Excercising too much?

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I have over 100 lbs to lose. I enjoy going to the gym, and doing cardio everyday. 30 mins on the treadmill, 20 Eliptical, and every second day I do weights before cardio. On the days I don't feel like going in, I don't. I'm eat healthy %99 of the time, I do have my heat days, and I'm working on eating every 2-3 hours (1500 calories a day), and losing 2 lbs a week.
But people are saying that I'm going to the gym too much . And when I look online, there are some articles that say that going to the gym everyday will actually make you gain weight.

I was hoping to get a second opinion here. And thoughts?
A lot depends on the intensity of the exercise, moderate cardio each day is fine, and lifting every second day is also ok. Remember recovery is also an important part of exercise, If you are doing more than low-moderate intensity you will need rest days.

Weight gain from exercise is fluid retention within the muscles and is more obvious when you are doing intense training. When you train you cause micro tears in the muscle fibres, when these tears heal the muscle becomes stronger, during the healing process extra fluid will be held in the muscle to help with the healing and be released when the healing is finished. If you have trained hard enough to be sore (DOMS) then you have also trained hard enough to see a moderate temporary gain in weight.

Weight gain from exercise is NOT fat, to gain fat you need to be eating too much. Weight gain from exercise can be muscle gain IF you are eating a calorie surplus .
A lot depends on the intensity of the exercise, moderate cardio each day is fine, and lifting every second day is also ok. Remember recovery is also an important part of exercise, If you are doing more than low-moderate intensity you will need rest days.

Weight gain from exercise is fluid retention within the muscles and is more obvious when you are doing intense training. When you train you cause micro tears in the muscle fibres, when these tears heal the muscle becomes stronger, during the healing process extra fluid will be held in the muscle to help with the healing and be released when the healing is finished. If you have trained hard enough to be sore (DOMS) then you have also trained hard enough to see a moderate temporary gain in weight.

Weight gain from exercise is NOT fat, to gain fat you need to be eating too much. Weight gain from exercise can be muscle gain IF you are eating a calorie surplus .

That makes sense, thank you.
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