Ex-smoker in need of help

Hey guys, I'm a 20yr old male and I smoked for about 5 years, I gave up 2-3 weeks ago and whenever I run i get a pain in my chest after about 1.4km like something is clogged up and I can't breath properly.

Is there anyone else out there that has had this problem? Thanks.
the clogged up part I'm not sure of.

you keepin the quit, i am supportive of.

taking flax seed and fish oils I believe will help with your lung recovery

ONE THING I KNOW FOR SURE- you have nothing going on that smoking more can't MAKE WORSE!!! remember that!

It is perfectly normally. It is all the tar and crap in your lungs coming up. Mixed with your lungs starting to heal. You might even be running slower now. But dont worry that feeling will go away with time, and you times will come back down. It takes a couple of months, its different for every person. Congrats on stopping, it is the hardest thing I have ever done. You might also put on 5 pounds or so, I just stepped my cardio to take care of it. Best of luck to you.