
Hey Evo, everything alright where you are?

I've been out of town, and haven't looked through the 20 pages of threads, but was just checking on ya!
What happened where he lives?
Huge ice storms, biggest power outage ever in OK.

Last I talked to him, here was his status:

The electric was out where he lived, so he was staying at buddy's houses. He's doing well but had to go because he was playing video games while he had access to them LOL.

Yup. I lost power on Sunday because everyone is a hippy in my new neighbor hood and wouldn't trim their trees. Soooo...several of them got a bunch of ice that weighed them down and fell on the power lines around the neighborhood. Anyway...in the end, a total of about 200,000 people in the metro and outlining Oklahoma City area. And we're finally down to only 28 schools without power. So basically I've been staying at a couple friend of mine since Sunday. Hopefully I'll have power back tomorrow. I've been spending the days trying to unpack at the new house, but it gets kinda' hard when it's like 30 degrees in the house.

Net connections and cell phone service hasn't been very reliable to boot.

Soooo...I've been self-absorbed in Assassin's Creed on the 360 since I don't own one. I will say it has been nice having the last 4 days off (will have tomorrow off and prob Friday due to 4 inches of snow coming in). However, I haven't been able to get unpacking done like I wanted and the weather hasn't been very hospitable to having much fun outside.

That's it in a nut shell.
Sounds like it's time to move to California.

I just got the 360. Gotta get some games on that thing so I can pwn some newbz (Evo).
Sure, AZ is great. But here in California we've got something called The Pacific Ocean...it's pretty big. :D

I had the choice between keeping either a PS3 or 360...I took the PS3 back because:

1.) PS3 and 360 games will essentially be the same, save for some exclusive titles like MGS for PS3, Halo for 360
2.) PS3 is way more expensive
3.) More of my friends are on xBox Live
Yea. I am on XBOX Live. I am not sure I am going to get COD4. I was in on the first one when it came out for the computer. And the second one. It seems like they are just redoing the same basic game over and over again. Only with better graphics.

Which is basically the same game as Medal of Honor. Which came out first. (and was a much better game)

Games I am looking forward to.

Deus Ex 3

There is a sequel coming out for Rainbow 6 Las Vegas.
How about any of the Halo's? I'm going to get a Halo or COD4 for my first game.

But if you wanna jam out on Guitar Hero II I can do that, soon as I get my wireless USB adapter.
me want derwddons pic,not steamy one though:p