Another day, and another small step forward toward the person you want to become!
Time and patience and adapt and overcome---WINS! Wrap that frame a mind around your goal like one would wrap a christmas present, and when its opened it will reveal YOU!,,,,,,,,,,ROCK ON!
Thoughts for today:
We hold the keys to our own cages and can free ourselves when we use our courage and inner strength to overcome our fears---J.H. Newman.
Most of you know this, but I think it needs to be said: Anything (or most things) that are NOT worth achieving--are easy to obtain. Think about it. Most persons all they have to do to gain weight (or get fatter) is EAT (how hard is that? For most persons). Most things that are worthwhile to obtain are the HARDEST but one in which can bring the most statisfaction (i.e deficit dieting, training and adapting to responses given by the body). Each day that you achieve and win your mental battles you win, and brings you one step closer. Each day that this occurs, has an accumulation effect that will creep up on you, and before you know it, your there. And no feeling in the world will ovecome the daily feeling you get once your there.........Rock on today.
The mind and coupled mentally is a TERRIBLE thing to waste, improve your approach on mentality toward your goal, increases the odds that you WILL reach your goal (s). Today, you stand up and rise up to meet all challeges to your goals.
I have my own mental battle, Im still mulling and analyzing my forum conversation, with stoutman (who I respect alot). Its about bulking and me getting over the abs. I have worked so hard to get where I am at in life, its hard for me to see them go (abeit a small bit). I have all the personal data I need to do it correctly, But I have to get my mind correct first, and this is what I am doing for myself now(just a personal notation).
Time and patience and adapt and overcome---WINS! Wrap that frame a mind around your goal like one would wrap a christmas present, and when its opened it will reveal YOU!,,,,,,,,,,ROCK ON!
Thoughts for today:
We hold the keys to our own cages and can free ourselves when we use our courage and inner strength to overcome our fears---J.H. Newman.
Most of you know this, but I think it needs to be said: Anything (or most things) that are NOT worth achieving--are easy to obtain. Think about it. Most persons all they have to do to gain weight (or get fatter) is EAT (how hard is that? For most persons). Most things that are worthwhile to obtain are the HARDEST but one in which can bring the most statisfaction (i.e deficit dieting, training and adapting to responses given by the body). Each day that you achieve and win your mental battles you win, and brings you one step closer. Each day that this occurs, has an accumulation effect that will creep up on you, and before you know it, your there. And no feeling in the world will ovecome the daily feeling you get once your there.........Rock on today.
The mind and coupled mentally is a TERRIBLE thing to waste, improve your approach on mentality toward your goal, increases the odds that you WILL reach your goal (s). Today, you stand up and rise up to meet all challeges to your goals.
I have my own mental battle, Im still mulling and analyzing my forum conversation, with stoutman (who I respect alot). Its about bulking and me getting over the abs. I have worked so hard to get where I am at in life, its hard for me to see them go (abeit a small bit). I have all the personal data I need to do it correctly, But I have to get my mind correct first, and this is what I am doing for myself now(just a personal notation).
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