Essential supplements

Hi, new to the board....I'm in fairly good shape but am looking to kick it up a notch and get in top shape. I have a healthy clean diet (with the occasional cheat oops) and work out about 3x a week -going to increase to 5x-6x a week. I take basic vitamins but what supplements are essential to assist with energy in workouts, muscle recovery and improving metabolism? Not looking for a weight loss pill or anything but just want to know what basic supplements I should include in my training/diet program. I've gone to GNC but I feel like they just want to sell a bunch of overpriced crap to me so I don't take their advice!
The phrase "essential supplements" is an oxymoron. They're ALL overpriced crap. The best "supplement" is a healthy, balanced diet. Nutrients from food are ALWAYS superior to anything grown in a lab.
wow joe is very set ih his ways.

Look the most anabolic substance in this world is FOOD but thats not what your asking.

A multi is a must for a female and glutamine is an essential building block for muscle.
Also a good protein powder is essential to aid in growth and recovery.

If you get sore or DOMS beta alanine is good for that too.

Hope i have been more help then the above.

wow joe is very set ih his ways.

Look the most anabolic substance in this world is FOOD but thats not what your asking.

A multi is a must for a female and glutamine is an essential building block for muscle.
Also a good protein powder is essential to aid in growth and recovery.

If you get sore or DOMS beta alanine is good for that too.

Hope i have been more help then the above.


Supplementing glutamine is great for burn victims and that's about it.