Escaping the "big friend" role


New member
I've always wanted to lose weight more for the sake of being healthy and to avoid certain medical conditions that are induced by weight that plague my family. However, as a second year college student I have found that my weight has negatively affected my social interactions with my classmates, and essentially everyone I come into contact with.
*Side story* I come from a family with weight issues and I understand that a part of it is genetic, but growing up I was constantly told by members of my family that I was "too fat" including my own dad. As I went through elementary school, middle school and high school, the nasty comments came from my peers and even my coaches. No matter what I did, I constantly felt inadequate because of my size, I didn't even go to prom. My body was my own prison.
Now I'm on a journey to really kick myself into gear and lose weight.

Height 5'8'
Weight 243 pounds
Hips 47 inches
Waist 37 inches
Bust 43 inches

Weight 190
Hips 41 inches
Waist 31 inches
Bust 40 Inches