Equipment Reveiw: Billy Bands

For those who do not know, Billy bands are elastic exercise bands that attach to your feet makeing them ideal for tae-bo type exercises. They were made for the new "tae-bo bootcamp" workout but you can buy them individually on for a cheap price.

Got them today. They do not offer as much resistance as I thought, but they are very comfortable wrapped around your leg or around your torso or rolled up in your hand. There are lots of ways to up the stress. The feeling is like an extreame desire to drop your hands and a subtle feeling of sloth in your punches. Unlike normal resistance bands that you keep pinned under your feet like standing on a fat pencil these bands feel surpriseingly free. The resistance though weak is unlike anything else. I love boxing with tiny weights (1-5 lbs) or hitting the heavy bag but the bands change the angle of resistance and I believe in martial arts that just about any variation is good.

For those of you set in your ways the bands my seem like a silly hindrance especially if you are not heavily into shadow boxing, for the rest of you this is a good way to switch up your workouts and get a new kind of burn. I feel it in my shoulders and forearms the most but I am sure that if I keep up with this that that burn will fade and I will bore of them quickly

3 out of 5 ninjaface points