
Does anyone know where I can get some Ephedrine?
Can someone please tell me the real deal with Ephedrine HCL and Ephedrine? Whats the difference? Obviously NON-HCL is better right?
Do you know what other country produces it? I know it is a Chinese herb, but what other country can I get it from?
Thank You Very Much.
I REALLY Appreciate ANY Help.
Link for you..

Here's a good link that might help:


(if it doesn't work, just copy and paste) :)
ive bought some today off a site called astronutrition,so got to wait for it to come.does anyone recommend it?
Vasopro. And this is one of those things where you should do your own research, if taken in moderation in a healthy person w/o prehypertension or other issues, it SHOULD be okay. My advice is ask a doc, or if you do it watch your BP..