Enough is enough!


New member
Hi! I'm a 22 year old girl who currently weighs 95 kg (209 lbs) When I saw the scale I was so disgusted with myself and I have decided to make a serious change in my lifestyle. But I'm scared of failure cause I have failed so many times before, and I have a very bad relationship with food (emotional eating) What I am planning on doing is making healthier and better choices and aiming to walk 10.000 steps a day, and soon I will start working out 3 times / week. I really have motivation this time and I know if i just push myself I know I can do this. I really hope this forum will help. Thanks for reading!
Never be afraid to fail, can't succeed without it. You've got a plan and motivation. Just dedicate and the rest falls in place. Welcome to the forum!
First and most importantly you must get your mind prepared for upcoming challenges. Also, its not about the gym, its about understanding nutrition
There is no necessity of being afraid to fail at all, as in most cases it might just scare you off from doing it; you should keep in mind that a failure is the logical reason of being lazy and it might also occur when you’re not willing to do “whatever necessary”, so make sure to erase as many factors that could lead to a defeat.

I think that walking 10,000 steps a day can help you drop those unwanted pounds faster than just about any other method of weight loss. Walking will also help you keep the weight off for a longer period of time because it builds your muscles while keeping your heart at a fat-burning rate.

just try to stick with your plan and I'm sure you will get what you want
good luck