Enlightened wisdom

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New member
I just wanted to share my "ahh ha" moment. I was journaling today and having a good ole' time complaining about how difficult it is to get motivated to exercise and to continue to avoid all my favorite foods and it hit me...

Life is a choice, no one ever promised easy choices. It is a choice to eat all the yummies and not exercise and it is a choice to get healthy and fit. That is all. Both have benefits, but both have consequences too! The point is I need to make a choice not based on how I feel right now and what I want right now, but based on which consequences I which to face in the future.
Because the future is coming.

So, do I want to face all the health issues that my food desires will create or do I want the benefit of a more healthy active life. I am 44. The time for change is now. I am on the doorstep of either being able to participate in my 50's and 60's and beyond or be at best a spectator or at worse an invalid or dead. Time is wasting. There are no more, "I'll get to it later's".

I have made the choice to Live and Live Well. I truly believe it is my "Ahh ha" moment that will give me the motivation that I have been searching for. Heres hoping it does the same for someone else.

Be well.

Take what you can use...leave the rest :)
That is very well said and very true. I needed to be reminded of that, so thank you.
Welcome Veriunique! I know exactly how you are feeling. I had a similiar revelation around Christmas time. I have been putting on weight over the years, and although I didn't like getting fatter, I wasn't motivated enough to do much about it. I tried diets off and on, but never stuck with anything long enough.

Then around Christmas time I just had this realization that time was going by, and I knew I didn't want to be overweight for life. You are right. It is all about choices and consequences for those choices. This time I finally see that its more about changing my lifestyle than anything else.

Glad you joined the forum. This is an awesome place for support and motivation. Good luck with your weight loss goals!! :)
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